Noticed (11) Failed Spectacularly

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Vilkas hadn't struggled so much with self control since he'd first taken the beast blood as a whelp. He wanted nothing more than to rid himself of his pants and have Inga right then and there on her bedroll under the dragon bones...

...But he was a man of honor... and she was still injured...

...and, although he was hoping he could guess her answer, she technically hadn't actually answered him yet...

So, despite the way she wrapped her arms around him as he kissed her back, Vilkas restrained himself. He propped himself up with one arm and let his other arm slowly and gently wrap around her waist, and then he restricted himself to only letting his hand wander where she was covered by his shirt.

"Is that a yes, my love?" He breathed hopefully once their lips parted.

She let out a soft, short laugh as she smiled up at him, still looking a little surprised as her arms hung loosely at his shoulders now. "If you're actually sure you want me," she replied sheepishly, "then yes."

Vilkas grinned and brought his hand up from her back to gently cup her cheek before he leaned in to kiss her again.

"Aye," he whispered when their lips parted again, "I love you. I want to see your beautiful face and adventure beside you the rest of my days."

She smiled but her brow quirked in confusion. "But my... my face—"

"Scars could never mar your beauty, my love," Vilkas interrupted her with a smile as she was brining a hand to the scar on her left cheek. "The first time I got to really see your face I thought you were a fearsome beauty," he added honestly.

The blush across her cheeks darkened a bit and she looked down with an embarrassed smile.

"The first time I saw you I thought you were... very attractive," she admitted, "but when I saw the way Ria was trying to win your attention I assumed I had no chance..."

"I never even noticed the poor girl's advances," Vilkas shook his head, "I suppose I was too preoccupied with the beast blood at first," he shrugged, "and then once it was gone I only had eyes for a much more impressive woman," he smiled.

"I... I never would have guessed," Inga shook her head, "but then I'm obviously not very good at figuring this stuff out... I thought Farkas was interested in me," she admitted, looking even more embarrassed, "but I realized I was just mistaking his friendship and kindness for interest."

"I did notice you hide that amulet the night we left Jorrvaskr," Vilkas told her quietly. He was beginning to feel nervous again at bringing up her feelings for his brother... but they probably did need to have this conversation.

"I wondered if you had," she said just as quietly. "But I assumed you were heartbroken over him and Ria too... you looked so upset that night..."

"I was upset," Vilkas nodded, "but it was because the woman I love had an amulet of Mara for my brother instead of for me..."

Inga took a deep breath and looked sheepishly up at him.

"I spent the first half of this trip thinking back over why I did," she sighed, "I've just been so sure no one would actually want me..."

Vilkas's brow furrowed at that but he let her continue.

"...and then I thought he did... and... I... I guess I let myself get infatuated enough to go buy this thing," she explained with a grumbled sigh as she looked down at the amulet, "I guess now... I'm glad he never noticed..." she looked back up and met his gaze again, still looking sheepish and embarrassed.

Vilkas smiled gently back at her, "by Ysmir, I am too," he told her in genuine relief.

"I spent the more recent part of this trip trying not to fall for you," she admitted with a smirk.

Vilkas's smile shifted to a wide grin. "Well, stop that," he chuckled before leaning in to kiss her again.

She giggled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms more securely around his shoulders. It was a beautiful, joyful sound that made Vilkas's heart feel light.

"Don't worry," she breathed between kisses, "I failed spectacularly."

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