Green Bottles (7)

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Vilkas still hadn't talked Farkas into admitting a thing by the time they'd made it back to Whiterun, but he was at least less worried about Farkas being interested in Lillia as well. In fact, it was at Farkas's insistence that he made his way down to the Harbinger's chambers once they got back to Jorrvaskr... but to his disappointment, he found, as usual, Lillia was not there.
It took considerable effort to conceal his disappointment as he made his way back down the hall.
He found Farkas in his room rummaging through his drawers. Instead of stopping him Vilkas rolled his eyes and went to Farkas's room, only to find the massive stash of alcohol had already been removed... the shelves behind the bar were oddly bare and even the stack of kegs were gone.
"Alright, where'd you hide 'em? I can't find... oh..." Farkas trailed off mid question as he walked into his own room behind Vilkas.
"I'm assuming Lillia beat us both," Vilkas shook his head.
"Huh..." Farkas said thoughtfully staring at his empty bar, "wonder what she did with it all..."
"Are you angry?" Vilkas asked calmly, watching Farkas look around.
"Nah," Farkas shrugged, "you'd 've taken it all if she didn't."
"True," Vilkas nodded, "I'm guessing my potions are all gone?"
"Couldn't find 'em," Farkas replied with another shrug.
"Alright, I'll go make sure," Vilkas sighed.

Farkas followed him back across the hall and Vilkas found that, sure enough, the drawer he'd kept his sleeping draughts in had been emptied. Farkas had also made a bit of a mess rummaging through everything else looking for them.
Once Vilkas had assured his brother that there were no more hidden green bottles, they both made their way back upstairs.
Aela informed them that Lillia had taken a contract to go clear out a troll den. Vilkas sighed... of course she had... the damn woman could never sit still...

When it came time for dinner Vilkas figured out what Lillia had done with Farkas's alcohol stash... in short, Tilma wasn't going to need to buy more ale or mead for at least a month.
"I was specifically requested not to serve you any of it though, dearie," Tilma smiled sympathetically at Farkas as she handed Vilkas an ale. "It seems you two got the poor Harbinger quite worried about you," she added, giving Vilkas a concerned look.
"Aye," Vilkas sighed, "we know, but we're alright now."
"Glad to hear it dearie," Tilma smiled again, "see that you stay that way."

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