|| All Better...||

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I woke up to the sound of pounding at my door

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I woke up to the sound of pounding at my door.

"One second." I try to speak but it just comes out fragile and weak.

"It's Dorian. Let me in." God he was so fucking demanding.

"One fucking second." I walked to the bathroom and saw the most hideous beast known to man in the mirror. I splashed some water on my face, brushed my teeth and put on some chapstick. Dorian has never seen me this bad but I could care less at this point.

"What?" I try to stay calm and happy but even I could hear the annoyance in my voice.

"What's wrong?" He asks and it sounds like he actually cared for a second.

"Why the fuck would you care?" I know he didn't deserve that response, he honestly did nothing wrong.

"I don't but you canceled and that's weird." He responds but if he doesn't care then why is he here?

"I'm fine. I'm sorry I can't devote my time to you every fucking day but I have work to do so if thats all..." That came out a lot stronger then expected and he probably didn't deserve I just don't need his fake pity. If my own parents can't care then how could he.

"Fine." He walks away and I can't tell if he's mad, if anything he looked happy to leave. I decide that I should actually do what I told Dorian so I study. I study for hours, until my eyes couldn't stay open. I decide I could finish tomorrow since it was a Saturday and hit the hay as the Americans say.

I don't think I ever want to leave this dorm, specifcally this bed, ever again.


I felt like I was pounding on that door for hours

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I felt like I was pounding on that door for hours.

"One second." The fragile voice behind the door is like a stab to the chest

"It's Dorian. Let me in." I swear to god if I wasn't let in in the next 5 minutes I was going to kick the fucking door down.

"One fucking second."

"What?" I can tell shes trying to hide how shes really feeling with a soft smile but I can tell somethings off. Not that she looks bad, never that she looks fucking gorgeous but she looked a little dead.

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