Chapter Ten: Date Night🔞

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"Jennie made it clear that she would continue this...relationship despite what I think." Chaerin continued cooking, as she spoke. "I'm sorry that things with Chaeng went the way they did. It's an unfortunate situation you were in. I would never wish that on you or anyone else."

Jisoo continued staring trying to figure out where Chaerin was going with her words. She wouldn't speak until Chaerin finished.

"I saw it when you were younger, the way you two looked at each other. I hated it, I didn't want Jennie to be with you."

"Because I'm a girl," Jisoo's words slipped before she could stop them.

"Partly, but also because of your situation."

Jisoo stood in stunned silence, she never knew Chaerin had a problem with her being different.

"I don't care that you're different, I just didn't want my daughter dealing with the scrutiny of others when trying to explain things like Jisu not having a father but a second mother. I still don't want her to have to deal with all of that, the world is cruel and I don't want her or my grandson to be impacted negatively."

Jisoo was at a loss. "You're a doctor, you know these things happen. It's rare but it happens."

"But in most cases, the person chooses to live as a man or have surgery and live fully as a woman and nobody ever finds out. There is no scrutiny, no judgment." Chaerin said finally looking at Jisoo. "All of that aside, you left and shattered my daughter's heart." Jisoo stared back with matching intensity as she took deep breaths attempting to keep herself calm.

Chaerin looked back down before continuing, "I tried to get her to date again, introducing her to men who would provide her and Jisu with a normal life. She deserves that, a normal uncomplicated life."

"I intend on providing her with just that. Just because it's not your small-minded opinion of normal doesn't make it less than what she deserves." Jisoo's voice was angry and strained as she attempted to stay quiet so she wouldn't alert Jisu to the tension.

"You're being different, well that's the least of my concerns. My problem is who you are and that you've left before. I don't trust that you won't leave again and this time you won't just be leaving behind my daughter but my grandson and that would destroy them both."

"I would never leave him," Jisoo scoffed. "Despite what you choose to believe, I love my son."

"You don't know how to love, you've already proven that before." Chaerin's voice had risen as she looked into Jisoo's fiery eyes. "She would have been better off if she chose to stick with Mino instead of running off to Paris to find you."

Jisoo's heart tugged into her chest. Ignoring Chaerin's other words, she focused on the name. She had forgotten about the shaggy-haired boy who she met at the park.

"That's enough. We're leaving now." Jennie spoke with an authoritative tone as she wrapped her arm around Jisoo's waist and guided her out of the kitchen.


Hearing only the last part of the conversation, Jennie asked Jisoo to tell her everything. When the girl finished, she placed her hand on Jisoo's leg and repositioned her body so she could look at the girl as she drove.

"I never dated him despite my mother's insistence. Mino was a persistent douchebag that my mother brought to a family dinner in an attempt to get me to date, someone, she deemed appropriate. He showed up everywhere for about 6 months before Donghyuk Oppa stepped in."

"Is that why Jisu said he was your friend."

"Yes, unfortunately, my mom kept inviting him over and he never refused. He crossed the line when he tried to kiss me after I repeatedly turned down his advances." Jisoo's head turned and blazing eyes shot into Jennie. "Eyes on the road or pull over." Jennie continued in a soothing tone, "Donghyuk Oppa kicked him out of the house and told him not to return. I guess Dad put a stop to it after that. I haven't seen him since."

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