Details - Jayhoon

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Another jayhoon but this time it has a moodboard 🌚

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Another jayhoon but this time it has a moodboard 🌚

Sunghoon froze,  his mind went blank and his heart tightened,  he looked down at the boy with hopeful eyes. How does he tell him he doesn't remember,  what was jay like? 
He had white hair,  hair he hated,  a hair he got after sunghoon asked him many times to try something new

-"I love my black hair" he would dismiss him with this

As much as you think a musician can be creative,  Jay wasn't a risk taker,  he stuck to what he knew,  to what was familiar

Sunghoon would think so often about the contrast the older held inside of him,  he loved familiarity but would come up with the newest music, he watched him scrabble some things on a paper for half an hour,  sit on his piano and play the most unusual out breaking music of all the time.

He should've noticed when he walked in with white hair..  exactly the opposite color to what he loved,  to what he knew, and to what he used to. But sunghoon was busy thinking about how good it looked on him

Sunghoon beat himself internally,  thinking about Jay's eyes,  they were tired,  always tired,  always surrounded by dark circles, hardly open wide,  he looked at everything with ease,  nonchalantly, he never looked at anything with want,  with longing, or even with excitement. Not even his beloved piano,  he'd just close his eyes while playing,  breathe deeply, and place his fingers on the tiles.  Jay never looked at ease, he looked in so much pain when he played any song, but it was too beautiful, too graceful, and too alluring for sunghoon to notice the energy escape Jay's body gradually whenever he sat there. 

Sunghoon knew Jay had two moles under his eyes,  a double lid, and pretty eyes.  But he can't tell the exact color of them,  were they black or was he always sitting in the dark, was it brown? How deep was the brown of his eyes?  He remembers Jay having the most painful to look at eyebags,  even when he slept early, even if he slept late.  Jay still had eyebags even when he slept for days. 

Jay's eyes were swollen mostly,  puffed and red as if he cried,  but he never did, sunghoon never heard him sob nor sniffle.  He never saw his eyes wet or sparkly, but he knows Jay always looked like he cried.  What he doesn't know is whether his eyes were round or almond,  were they long or sharp?  Was sunghoon so oblivious to such detail,  or was the swelling and sleepiness enough to hide the real shape of his eyes

Jay had strong features,  popping cheekbones, and a sharp jawline,  that clenched more than often,  whenever he made a mistake playing. Sunghoon doesn't remember much, Jay's face was small,  was it square-shaped?  Or was it round, he sure was handsome.  But sunghoon realized he missed another detail

Jay had small lips,  plumb and peccable, harsh and dry, bottom lip always split,  was it a natural feature,  or was it because of how few cups of water Jay had? He always had it so sunghoon can't be blamed for forgetting,  he knows too well that Jay had a slightly bigger bottom lip,  one that he bit so often, or pursed so tightly to his upper one whenever he was deep in thought, sunghoon knew jay's lips that were mostly turned downward even when proud of his work, would thin down to the pretty frame to his straight teeth, rarely revealed,  and blindingly white. Sunghoon knew Jay had small pretty teeth,  and sharp fangs that bit on his tongue whenever he felt playful and smirked,  dangerously. 

Jay Centric Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora