Emotional mess -jayhoon

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"You know what? I really don't like this," Sunghoon stated while walking out of the room. Jay looked behind him, but all he could see was the door closing.

"What could be wrong with him this time?"

Ever since they moved in together, Sunghoon seemed to get more upset. Jay wouldn't expect his childhood friend to act this way. Was it the way he acts? His living habits? The guy who was so excited to move out from his parents' house, longing for freedom and independence, was nowhere to be seen, literally. Even though they live together now, Jay sees him less than before.


It was in middle school when Sunghoon came up to him once crying. He was so mad at his family trying to control him, pressed from school, and his parents weren't helping. Jay, trying to calm him down as the older of them both (even though it was only a few months difference), said that they'll move together once they grow up and won't have to handle this sh*t anymore. Sunghoon's eyes lightened and Jay felt proud.


In high school, they drifted apart, choosing different paths and meeting new friends. But they never skipped the weekends, always spending them together, even if they had nothing to talk about. They would just sit down and stare at cars passing by them, counting how many red cars had passed. Not even when they were sick, not during exams, and not when Sunghoon had his first relationship. They always met and spent time together.


"I think I like someone," Jay said while drinking, avoiding eye contact with Sunghoon. Sunghoon's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped. He started hiding his laughter after a few moments.

"Woah i never thought the great Jay would fall for anyone" sunghoon side eyed him while sipping his drink

"Who said anything about falling? I'm just attracted to him," Jay rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you call it, today's attraction, tomorrow's going to be 'will you be my best man?'" Sunghoon teased while having a wide smile. "To be honest, I don't want you to get in a relationship, Jay."

"What! You selfish creature! Why can't I?" Jay frowned at him.

"Because you can't multitask, Jay, you know it," Sunghoon smiled while placing his index finger between Jay's eyebrows. "You'll stop meeting me."

"I won't! We've been friends for 12 years, and I never stopped seeing you."

"It's not like you need my permission, but remember that I'll ruin your relationship if you don't spend enough time with me," Sunghoon smiled.

"Stop with the obsessed stalker behavior. I seriously got chills," Jay hugged himself and shook his head in disgust while Sunghoon just smiled and looked up.


"I found an apartment," Sunghoon was waiting for Jay, flashing a bright smile at him. He was excited.

"What apartment?" Jay looked confused while sitting down.

"You said we'll move together in middle school," Sunghoon pouted.

"That was years ago, Sunghoon. What the hell!" Jay slightly screamed.

"It took long enough already! Do you want to come see it with me?" Sunghoon seemed too comfortable with Jay's shock.

"I can't believe you, and I can't believe I keep allowing you to do crazy things," Jay smiled while taking a more comfortable position. "Yeah, I will. When are we going?"


"I can't believe you're late!!" Sunghoon huffed, carrying the boxes upstairs.

"I'm sorry, but Sunoo wouldn't let go of me," Jay apologized while trying to carry a box.

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