I'd end the world for you 3 - sunjay

250 13 2

Honestly a very short part because i felt I couldn't add it in pt2

Enjoy !

Sunoo looked down at jay from his chair , where he had to witness the excision of his brother and the love of his life , he stood up and the trumpets blared, declaring the king now , have something to say

Jay felt so proud of sunoo ,even at the edge of death he adoringly watched sunoo stand there and deliver his speech , he watched sunoo's every detail trying to memorize them well , even if he's facing death , he wanted to close his eyes knowing the last image of sunoo he'd seen , was a graceful rightful king , and not a cold dead body

He was brought back to reality by the loud exclamations , he raised his head again and sunoo was still speaking

-"And therefore, as a reward to his acheivements and services for years, and down to my people's wishes , the knight park jeongseong's sentence , was reduced from execution , to a royal forgiveness"

Jay looked around in disbelief, he expected some boos and hate , but everyone cheered for sunoo's words , he looked up again and Sunoo was now looking at him fondly

He was let off easily , and he walked alive out of the square , while the prince's head fell to the ground and people cheered , he was so confused , but follwed the guards to a room sunoo set for him , he looked around it , a hot bath was prepared for him , he checked his hands and scoffed , the king's blood is still on him , as he was jailed directly after he was caught.

Jay got in the bathtub and his muscles relaxed , still unable to believe that he , once again , benifited from his title as a royal knight and his acheivements in the battle field . He never understood why , but he was too tired to think, and fell asleep in the warm water

Jay woke up to water being added to the tub, and some hands gently messaging his scalp , he opened his eyes startled, just to be faced by a smily sunoo , who brushed his hair back and kissed his forehead, then gazed deeply in his eyes

-"Thank you " sunoo said

-"THANK YOU ! For sparing my life , your majesty " Jay replied , unable to believe

-"I didn't spare you, the people did " sunoo kept messaging Jay's head

-"I don't understand, why would they "

-"In a kingdome where everyone hate the king, only few good words about the king's executer are enough to spare his life " Sunoo explained, as if it's the simplest thing

-"you mean ?..."

-"I might have manipulated the public a little bit, and over paised you a little" Sunoo laughed " but the late prince did everything himself, him bragging about you and your capacities , how trustworthy you are and how you'd never say no to him , were already circulating in the kingdom, it only needed some heat from the previous master of yours , to turn everyone on your side "

Jay opened his eyes and mouth in disbelief, and sunoo laughed .
-"that's corruption u know?!!!" Jay turned around fast to sunoo

-"I really didn't do anything, some people started sending me protest petitions when it spread that you killed the king , I just made more confident to do so " sunoo shrugged, moving his index slowly on Jay's jaw

-"And you didn't have to do that , I could've left the whole castle if you asked me to do so " he locked eyes with jay" you never had to go through so much, even if the plan was amazing"

-" How'd u know !" Jay was still shocked, speaking in short sentence and making the same surprised face over and over

-"It was obvious, saying things about protecting me , then asking to be the prince's knight, I just made sur your plan and mine went all together" sunoo replied , making it sound like a not much of a big deal

-"But why'd you trust me "

-" as I said ... I will always trust you " sunoo nuzzled a confused jay and laughed " let's get you a noble title and let's leave this dirty place too "

-"you're a king now , you can't just leave "

-"I'd rather be the duke's husband rather than a king with so much to worry about , and less Jay in my life " sunoo wrapped Jay in a towel and walked him out of the tub " but you know, I'll need to be the Princess in this relationship" he made a joke

Jay laughed at himself being babied by sunoo, looked at him and carried him bridal style , letting the towel slip off his naked body "okay , My princess, would you marry me ?"

Sunoo who was taken by surprise, laughed and nodded, hiding his face in Jay's neck crock

Jay looked around him ,he was in a rusty old room with only 1 window and a door , he smiled at the difference sunoo can make in his life , he just made this place the happiest and most precious place he's ever been to

-"would you marry me if i was just jay, the farmer , not jay the duke ?" Jay asked , looking at sunoo adoringly

-"I'll think about that" sunoo giggled teasingly, and jay knew , this life is going to be a way better one

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