
"I'll take care of this. My name is Toph Beifong, and I'll need four tickets." Toph presents her with some sort of form. "Ah, the golden seal of the flying boar! It is my pleasure to help anyone of the Beifong family." 

"It is your pleasure. As you can see, I am blind and these four imbeciles are my valets." She gestures at us dramatically. "But, the animal-"

"Is my seeing-eye lemur." 

"Well, normally it's only one ticket per passport, but this document is so official... I guess it's worth five tickets." She stamps the seal on the pieces of paper, which Toph takes with flourish. "Thank you very much." 

"To bad we can't use your royal status." Sokka teases as we walk away. I roll my eyes at him, but give a small smile nonetheless. "All right, we scammed that lady good!" He cheers once we're a safe distance away. Not far away enough it seems, as a security guard roughly grabs him. "Tickets and passports please." She demands. "Is there a problem?" I ask, getting defensive. I force my way between them, and she lets go without resistance. "Yeah, I got a problem with you! I've seen his type before. Probably sarcastic, think you're hilarious and let me guess, you're traveling with the Avatar." Catching on that they know each other, I back off, but Sokka doesn't recognize her right away. "Do I know you?" 

"You mean you don't remember? Maybe you'll remember this!" Quickly, she kisses Sokka on the cheek. "Suki!" He exclaims before embracing her. "Sokka, it's good to see you!" I quickly step out of their way, and try to ignore the tight, burning knot in my stomach. I can't be mad, he was never mine. Of course there is another girl, or rather, there is a girl. I was never his. Still, it hurts. Suddenly I regret sharing so much with him. I know it's not fair, I know that's how people become friends, but why couldn't there be more? 


I watch as the group speaks with her, remaining quiet after a brief introduction. Well, more quiet then usual. "You look so different without your makeup! And the new outfit." 

"That crabby lady makes all the security guards wear them. And look at you, sleeveless guy. Been working out?" Containing my anger was never one of my strong suits, but at least I manage it today. "Ahhh, I'll grab a tree branch and do a few chin touches every now and then. Nothing major." 

"Are the other Kyoshi Warriors around?" Aang asks. The conversation dies away in my ears. My anger fades to guilt as I'm reminded of that place, and how we left it. If she recognized me, she didn't show it at all. I'm also reminded of how often and how harshly I'd attacked Sokka and the others. How could he ever have feelings for me? Obviously he'd choose the girl who's always been on his side. I only come to when I hear, "Avatar Aang, you have to help us! Someone took all of our belongings; our passports, our tickets, everything's gone!" The pregnant refugee cries. "I'll talk to the lady for you." Aang assures.


The ticket lady, unsurprisingly, turned us away. Hoping to grant safe passage, Aang decided we'd take them through Serpent's Pass. "I can't believe we gave up our tickets and now we're going through the Serpent's Pass." Sokka complains. "I can't believe you're still complaining about it." 

"I'm coming too!" I turn, and it's Suki dressed in the Kyoshi attire. Internally, I pout about it. Of course she'd come and ruin my day. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Sokka asks. For a moment, my heart lifts. Maybe I was wrong about how her felt about her. "Sokka, I thought you'd want me to come." She admits. "I do, it's just–"

"Just what?" 

"Nothing. I'm glad you're coming." My heart plummets again when I realize he's just being protective. We travel a small distance to the opening of the pass. It's appearance doesn't seem too threatening, but I still have a bad feeling. Maybe that's just my jealousy though. "This is the Serpent's Pass? I thought it would be a little more wind-y, you know, like a serpent. Huh, I guess they misnamed it." Sokka decides. "Look at this writing! How awful!"

Blue Eyes {Sokka x Reader} (ATLA)Where stories live. Discover now