Chapter 15

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🌷 (Y/n) P.O.V. 🌷

"I thought you were weak before, you're not even a bender, but this is just pathetic. You're nothing but a coward and a traitor."

Fire, smoke, fear.

Blue eyes.

I'm abruptly awoken by Momo's screeching and the ground rumbling. Men a top Komodo rhinos appear around us. "Give up! You're completely surrounded!" They circle us carefully. One man fires two flaming arrows toward Sokka, who was trying to crawl away like a caterpillar in his sleeping bag. I get up and run toward he man. I grab the saddle of the rhino once close enough, using it leverage myself up to kick him off the rhino. I take control of the reins to distract the gang while the others mount Appa. I charge the other men as they try to use their weapons against Katara and Aang who go for personal items. Once I see all of them on Appa, I jump from the rhinos back to Appas tail and climb up to he saddle. "Yip yip!" Aang says.

Appa rises from the ground, leaving gang behind. One shoots a fire ball at us as we fly over. Katara and Sokka quickly duck and cover their heads, as the fire ball just misses them. As Sokka looks down again, he notices something on the ground. "Wait, my boomerang!"

"There's no time!" Katara tells him. "Oh, I see, so there's time to get your scrolls and time to get your staff, but no time for my boomerang?" His voice is laced with bitterness. "That's correct." Katana says cheerfully. He bows his head in defeat. "Oh." I carefully pats his shoulder, knowing how he felt. Without that weapon, he felt useless. He doesn't acknowledge me beyond a small glance. We soon come across a small village at the edge of a cliff, surrounded by open, green fields. We travel it for supplies, covering Aang's arrows with a hat. "Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka." Aang finally says. "I feel like I've lost part of my identity." He jumps up and moves Aang's hat slightly so that he can point at Aang's arrow. "Imagine if you lost your arrow, or Katara lost her ... hair loopies."

He slowly saunters over to the stall, where Katara gives him a hug for comfort. "Here's your produce, ponytail guy." The merchant says. He looks dejected, and I feel a pang of guilt. "I used to be boomerang guy." He walks away, and I follow. "If you want, I could teach you some combat techniques. I only have the one dagger anymore, but I could show you how to use it?" I suggest carefully. I don't know how to comfort him about the problem, and only can offer solutions. He smiles half heartedly. "Maybe."

"I'm no teacher, let alone master, but it's worth trying." I warn. He shrugs, clearly more focused on the retched boomerang. "Have a nice Avatar Day!" The merchant calls as Aang and Katara join us. "Avatar Day?" Aang repeats. "You guys are going to the festival, right?" He asks. Aang and Katara smile at each other, and it's clear we'll have to look into this today.


Chin Village with several festive, green lanterns hanging over the street. It's charming to say the least. Aang, Katara, and Sokka are standing in the middle of the busy street, looking around in interest. I mostly stand on edge, wary of the big crowd. Few routes to escape, more people to recognize us. "There's a holiday for the Avatar. Who knew?" Aang says. A huge statue of Avatar Kyoshi rolls by. "Look! They made a giant Kyoshi float!"

"And here comes Avatar Roku!" I shudder, remembering the day in the fire temple. The main square is packed with people, and the giant float of Kyoshi and Roku are being pulled to the middle. "Having a huge festival in your honor is great, but frankly, it's just nice to be appreciated." Aang says, somewhat smug. "And it's nice to appreciate their deep-fried festival food!" Sokka takes a huge bite out of the food, happily forgetting the boomerang incident from this morning. "Aang, look!" They made one for Aang too. The statues seem so doll like, and it almost freaks me out. "That's the biggest me I've ever seen!" A villager carrying a torch comes running down the street which confuses me. I don't see anything to burn.

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