002; Second Chance At First Line

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Imelia stood with wide eyes staring at the car as Allison notices the girl giving her a small wave. the blonde quickly puts on a face, plastering a fake smile as she waved back while she muttered "Holy shit"

Andrew looked at his sister "So what, is he some kind of" he pauses taking a breath "I can't believe I'm saying this- werewolf hunter?"

Imelia swallows thickly as she nods "Uh, yeah I guess that's the way to put it, that's also the way Derek had put it"

The two Drake's share a look before watching the car drive off with the two Argent's in it.

. . .

After the twins had gotten over the sudden shock of it they had noticed Scott with the exact same expression they had but when they had tried to talk to him he was completely silent shock still written all over his face as the two lead him towards the locker room.

Scott dropped his gear onto the floor as he leaned against the locker "Scott?" Imelia spoke

Stiles' head popped over the lockers as he looked at the three with furrowed brows "Did you apologise to Allison?"

"Yeah" Scott finally answered for the first time since they had seen them

Stiles looked between the three as he asked "Is she giving you a second chance or . ." he trailed off

"Yeah" Scott answered

a smile appeared on Stiles face "yeah! All right, so everything's good" he disappeared behind the lockers

Imelia took a breath as she shook her head "Not exactly"

Stiles immediately appeared again "not exactly? what do you mean not exactly?"

"Remember the hunters?" Scott said with the same shocked expression as before "her dad is one of them"

"her dad?"

Scott took a deep breath "Shot us-"

"Allison's father!?" Stiles questions cutting him off while Andrew and Imelia share a look knowing this is going to be a back and forth thing"

"with a crossbow" Scott finished

Stiles was quiet for a moment "Allison's father-"

"Yes Her Father!" the three snap at him with loud voices

Stiles flinches slightly "Okay! Jeez"

"Oh my god" Scott muttered as the three's attention shifts back to the McCall who was beginning to freak out

"Scott" Stiles rushed over and smacked his face lightly "Snap back, okay, you're alright. he didn't recognise you, right?" he glanced over his shoulder "Did he see you? if he did he doesn't recognise you too right?"

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