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That night, I laid on the porch smoking one cigarette after another. 

I dozed off for a bit, I don't know... maybe a few hours.   

Well, until it started to down pour.  

"You're up, early." Darry walked on on the porch. 

The sun was just starting to rise, but you could barley see it hidden behind the rain clouds. 

"Huh?" I pushed myself up into the sitting position, and pulled myself back so I could lean against the house. 

"It's about 6 in the morning. What are you still doing out here?" Darry asked, as he pulled me to my feet. 

"I think I fell asleep... I think I'm still drunk." I groaned. 

Darry let out a chuckle. 

"Yeah, you passed out with a cigarette in you're hands. You're lucky it rained otherwise the house would be up in flames." Darry scolded me.  

"I'm sorry." I looked down at my feet as I spoke. 

Darry took a long deep breath. 

"I don't mean to yell at you.  I've just been stressed about everything.   Thank you for cleaning the house the other day.  I don't know if I ever told you that." Darry spoke softly to me, as he gave me a weak smile.  

"No problem." I smiled. 

"Now go in, and get some sleep.  Dallas has been mumbling in his sleep for the last hour, hopefully you can shut him up." Darry patted me on the back.  

"I'll try, have a good day at work." I told him. 

"Maybe, it's supposed to be a hot one." Darry waved goodbye, before he got in the truck and drove away.  

I walked back into the house to escape the rain. 

Dallas, Twobit, and Johnny were all piled on the pull out couch in the living room. 

It was actually kind of a sweet sight to see. 

They all looked younger, more peaceful. 

I crawled in next to Dallas. 

His arm flopped over me, and a satisfied sigh escaped his lips. 

I gave him a small kiss, before I closed my eyes. 


"Get up." Dallas huffed at me. 

He stood over me, nudging me with his finger tips.  

I rolled over and shot him a glare.

Everyone else was up. 

"Good morning to you too." I spoke sarcastically.

I got up, and went to the bathroom. 

I guess Dallas woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.  

Once I finished peeing, I came back out and went into the kitchen. 

Dallas sat on the table, with his arms crossed over his bare chest. 

None of the boys had their shirts on. 

That rain we got made it so fucking hot and humid.  

I swear it was the hottest day that year so far, and it was only morning.  

"Coffee?" I smiled at Dallas.  

He stared at me blankly. 

"It's on the fucking counter... where it always is." Dallas snapped. 

God fucking damn he's a dick today. 

I shook my head at him, pushing past him. 

Johnny walked over to me, as I poured my cup of coffee. 

"Smoke?" He whispered to me.  

I nodded in agreement, as I grabbed my cup and followed him outside.  

Before my cigarette was even lit, Dallas marched outside as well. 

Oh here we fucking go.

I shot Johnny a glare, as I sipped my coffee and puffed on my cigarette. 

Dallas’s eyes bounced between Johnny and I. 

"What?" Dallas placed his hands on his hips, waiting for a response. 

"Why you being such a fucking asshole?" I asked him. 

"Huh?" Dallas voice began to rise. 

"You heard me, so don't act like you didn't.  Now, answer my fucking question." I replied with the same attitude that he gave me.  

Dallas bit down on the inside of his cheek, as he looked down at me. 

"It's hot today, and drank too much last night." Dallas spoke slowly. 

"We are all hot, and we all drank to much last night. At least I'm not the one telling everyone we fucked!" I rolled my eyes at him.  

Dallas swallowed hard, and took a step closer to me. 

"Did I now?" Dallas let out a forced chuckle. 

He smiled satisfied, as the memory of him telling Steve we fucked on his bed played back in his mind.  

Dallas adjusted his mood, as his hand slid behind my back. 

Dallas hand slid under the back of my shirt, traveling up to play with the clasps of my bra. 

Dallas leaned in close, and kissed my neck softly. 

"Let's go to Buck's quick." Dallas looked up at me through his eyebrows. 

"Mhmmm can't." I smirked.  

Dallas rolled his eyes.

"Why not?" He asked. 

"She promised Darry she would help Ponyboy clean him and Soda's room up." Johnny chimed in. 

"C'mon mannnnn, it'll be quick." Dallas begged, as his hand rubbed my back softly. 

How could I say no?

A small smile appeared on my lips. 

Dallas knew I couldn't say no.

Johnny shook his head at us. 

"Y'all fuck like rabbits." Johnny chuckled, as Dallas began to pull me softly in his direction.  

"Tell Ponyboy, she'll be back." Dallas winked at Johnny, as the two of us began walking down the street towards Buck Merrill's place. 

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