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Dallas smirked, and he quickly put me on my back.

He unzipped his pants, and threw them over his shoulder.

Dallas grabbed my legs, and aggressively pulled me over to the edge of the bed.

He pulled my underwear so forcefully they ripped off at the seams on the sides.

"Not so hard, that was my favorite pair." I sat up, with a frown on my face.

Dallas pushed me back down into the lying position, and put his hand on my neck.

I swallowed hard.

"I'll buy you some new ones." he whispered in my ear, before slowly inserting his member.

We both breathed heavily, soft moans escaped from our lips.... until there was a knock at the door.

"Dallas?" Buck yelled through the closed door.

Buck tried to open the door, but couldn't.

Dallas must have locked it on the way in.

"What?" Dallas stopped, and stood there with his hands on his hips.

"Ponyboy and Johnny are here at the front door. They said they needed to talk to you." Buck said.

"Ok, I'll be down in a few minutes." Dallas yelled back.

Dallas grabbed me by my hips and picked me up.

He put me on the small dresser, and held my hands against the wall.

After a few more pumps, he was finished.

"You did not just do that inside of me!" I yelled, and smacked his chest.

He picked me up and laid me back down in the bed, and covered me up with the blanket.

"I'll be back, don't go anywhere." Dallas kissed me.

He put his jeans back on, and kicked my torn underwear under the bed.

He didn't even bother zipping his pants up, before going out of the door.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

I turned away from the door, and closed my eyes.

Dallas, followed by Ponyboy and Johnny, came through the door.

Dallas came, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah you were 'sleeping', Dal?" Johnny said, mocking him.

Probably referring to me in the bed.

"Yeah, I was. I got in that fight with Sheppard, and Buck always has me watch her at his parties. That means while she's sleeping." Dallas said sternly.

As he opened drawers, and handed them things.

I didn't dare turn around, and blow my cover.

They whispered to each other, so quietly that I couldn't even hear.

That lasted for a few minutes, before Ponyboy and Johnny left the room.

Dallas shut the lights off, and locked the door.

He took his jeans off, before crawling under the covers, and wrapping his arms around me.

"What was that about?" I asked him.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, too much for one night." he said.

He rubbed my thigh for a while, causing me to drift off to sleep.

When I woke up, it was still early in the morning.

I was unsure of what time it actually was, the sun wasn't even up yet.

Dallas was stirring in his sleep.

He moved every so often, trying to find a comfortable position.
His necklace dangled over his chest, as he laid there.

He somehow looked younger when he slept, calmer even.

"Hey, wake up." I shook his shoulder.

"Why are you up?" he asked me.

His voice was raspy, and deep.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I asked him.

"Just let me sleep." he begged.

"I'm gonna keep bugging you till you tell me." I crossed my arms over my chest.

Dallas groaned for a moment, before sitting up.

He glared at me before lighting a cigarette.

"Johnny killed a soc." when those words left his lips, it felt like the whole world stopped in its tracks.

The air went still, and cold.

"What?!" I managed to gasp out.

Dallas went on, and told me what Johnny had told him.

About them going to the park, and the drunk socs coming to try to jump them.
He said that they tried to drown Pony, so Johnny stabbed one of them.
I guess the others went running, but the one guy didn't.
He just laid there, and blood pooled around him.
They came to Dallas, and he sent them to an abandoned church in Windrixville to hide out until things cooled down.

I bit my nails, I didn't even know how to respond to that.

Johnny had killed someone.

It was in self defense, but knowing Johnny he was probably flipping out.

I pulled myself out of bed, and to my feet.

The first thing I stepped on was Ponyboy's wet clothes.

"Ew." I gagged, kicking the cold, wet pile away from me.

I grabbed my pants, and slipped them on.

I put my shoes on too.

Dallas got up, and quickly grabbed me by my arm.

"If you're doing what I think you're doing, you're stupid." Dallas hollered.

"I gotta help them, Dallas." I whispered to him.

"No, thats a stupid idea. You're gonna get wrapped up in this mess, and this is something that you don't want to get in the middle of. You could end up in jail. I've been to jail, and I don't want to see that happen to you." His voice got louder with every word that left his lips.

"I'm already in this mess!" I hissed at him.

I yanked my arm away from his grip, and ran out the door.

I stumbled over bodies that slept on the floor.

As I ran down the streets, my vision seemed to be wavy.

I couldn't run in a straight line to save my life.

It's not because it was still dark, it was because I was still drunk.

As I ran I kept tripping over my own feet, and my untied shoelaces.

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