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The four of us sat in the living room, hanging out till Darry and Soda got done with work. 

No one said a word about the kiss. 

Though I knew that's all the three of them could think about. 

As the night went on, Dallas and Johnny left. 

Everyone went to bed, and I slept on the couch for the night. 


"Rise and shine." Darry yelled from the kitchen. 

"Nooooo." I groaned, forcing myself to  get up. 

I went to the kitchen and grabbed my cup of coffee, before I made my way outside for a cigarette. 

As I put my cigarette to my lips, I had noticed Darry had followed me outside. 

He grabbed a cigarette from the pack, and lit it for himself. 

I took a sip of my coffee, and jumped up to sit on the railing. 

"I got something to talk to you about." Darry spoke truthfully. 

Oh god, that could be anything. 

"Sure." I tried to remain cool.  

Darry had that parent figure too him, so anytime he said things like that... it always made me nervous.

"Well....." Darry took a deep breath, "Soda said you kissed Dallas. And I just wanted to let you know that if you had any questions on anything relationship wise you can come to me."


Wasn't expecting any of that to come out of his mouth... especially as calmly as it did. 

"Where did Soda get that idea?" I tried to brush it off. 

"Well.... Ponyboy said he saw you two kissing. I guess he mentioned it to Soda.  Soda then asked Steve if he knew anything about it.... which Steve said 'I don't give a shit', so then Soda asked me." Darry explained. 

Damn it. 

I don't think I told Ponyboy to keep his mouth shut about it. 

"Is this your way of asking me whats going on with it?" I let out a forced chuckle. 

"Yes, well... I'm not trying to pressure you.  Just curious.   We know Dallas has liked your for a while...." Darry trailed off. 


Who the fuck is we?

"What do you mean by we?" I asked. 

"Well... everyone.  He always asks everyone in the gang about you, especially Johnny...." he trailed off again. 

What the fuck

"And you want to know if I kissed him or not?" I asked Darry. 

A small smile lit up on Darry's face. 

"Maybe..." Darry laughed. 

"Are you gonna keep this between us?" I asked him. 

"Of course." Darry nodded. 

"Yes, I did."

"Well, I hope you two are going together just fine then.  I know you two butt heads and argue, but that's what happens in relationships." Darry patted me on the back. 


Who said anything about that?

"Darry... me and Dallas aren't dating. We just kissed." I spoke sort of sheepishly. 

"Ohhh, I see.  Well maybe you two will be... later down the road...." he trailed off for a bit, "Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is... If you need someone to talk to about things, you can always come to me.  And I know how teenagers are... so be... safe."


"Like wear my seatbelt?" I tried to play innocent, as I took a sip from my coffee. 

"No, like wear a condom." Darry said at a whisper. 

I instantly spit the coffee out of my mouth.

Ponyboy rushed outside.

"You alright?!" Ponyboy gasped.

"Yeah... went down wrong." I coughed out. 

"Dallas is coming up the driveway now." Darry smiled. 


"Hey, doll? You ready." Dallas marched up next to me. 

"For what?" I rolled my eyes at him. 

"To go to the Dingo." Dallas smiled. 

"No, it's like 8 in the morning." I scuffed. 

"Why you going to the Dingo?" Ponyboy asked. 

It was my time to leave this conversation. 

I jumped down.

Before I could make a run for it, Dallas quickly scooped me up, and threw me over his shoulder.


"PUT ME DOWN, DALLAS!" I yelled. 

Dallas, of course ignored me. 

"She promised that I could take her on a date if we didn't fight for two days." Dallas told them proudly. 

"No.... I didn't say date. And it's only been a day!" I defended myself. 

"And I got sick of waiting!" Dallas chuckled. 

"Alright, have fun.  Be safe you two." Darry smiled, before walking inside. 

Dallas turned, and began walking off the porch, and down the driveway. 

"Help me, Ponyboy!" I called out. 

"No can do! You probably have cooties!" Ponyboy yelled back. 

"Ponyboy, grab her shoes for me!" Dallas yelled to him. 

Ponyboy ran inside, grabbing my shoes. 

He ran down to us, putting them on my feet, and tying them tightly. 

Ponyboy ran back and into the house. 

Dallas continued down the driveway and down the street. 

"Can you put me down?" I begged. 

"Not till I know you're not gonna try to run away from me." Dallas let out a booming laugh. 

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