Gladiolus (Ep4, The Superhero Code)

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A/N: Hello my Swonderful people I have two small things I would like to mention; 1, The picture up above is a picture of Gladiolus but other flower pictures may not match the flower name given to the chapters, I usually make it so that the chapter name represents the chapter itself and the pictures are chosen at random. Also I may decide to not do certain episodes, I will let you know before hand if that is the case, but if I don't do certain chapters, I will replace them with my own original chapter which will probably revolve more around the Braz aspect of the story. I may also include certain parts of the original episode, we will see how it goes. So anyways, I really hope you are enjoying this story, the updates may come a little slow because like the rest of you, I too read on Wattpad and read physical books and go to school so I try my best. Superhero code is one of my favorite episodes because it has one of the cutest Braz scenes and it's so unintentional too! LOVE LOVE EVERYWHERE. I hope you like it, and here it is.


       "Lunch is ready!" I yelled, startling Chase. He shot me a look and then said, "I'll grab the plates." He stood and slowly moved around the counter, right in front of me. He tried to maneuver around me but I stopped him, "Oh, just like you grabbed the heart of the girl that I love?" I glared at him and popped my chest to look more menacing. "Still not over me getting Skylar her powers back, huh?" He said, looking to the side and then back to me, a little too unfazed by my attempt to intimidate him for my liking. "Nope. And you'll notice your tomato slice is VERY thin." I said, lifting my eye brows in a 'ha ha' type of gesture.

       "Wow, you showed him." Bree said, probably to be sarcastic but I ignored her tone and continued, "Yeah, I also skimped on his lettuce." I said, popping my chest again. "Oh no, stop the madness." She said, in her annoyingly sarcastic voice. "I will get the plates." She said, raising her hands in annoyance. She walked quickly around the counter and went to open the cabinet, I almost stopped her but I figured they had to find out some time. She opened the cabinet doors and out came dozens of broken plate pieces, falling to her feet. "Why are they all broken? What happened?" She looked at me in shock and I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment. "Well," I started, "I was doing the dishes and I accidentally broke them with my super strength." I said, guiltily. Skylar looked at me confused, "That still doesn't explain why you put them back in the cabinet." She said, slightly annoyed. "Because now we have servers for 36 tiny people." I said, with an obvious tone in my voice.  "Hey guys." Kaz said, strolling into the kitchen.


       To my annoyance, my stomach did a back flip when I heard his voice, and another when I turned to see his face. Shoving the circus in my stomach down, I smiled and said the first thing that came to mind, "Hey Kaz, I didn't smell you come in, did you shower?" That earned me a look from Chase, a smug smile from Skylar and a stifled laugh from Oliver. Kaz on the other hand took it completely normal and nodded, "Yeah, I had to, my brother Kyle's coming to visit..." he paused and tossed the ball he was holding in the air, "...And the pen I was chewing on exploded all over my face." He said, nodding at me slightly sheepish like. 

     "I didn't know you had a little brother." Chase said. Kaz nodded, "Yeah well, growing up Kyle and I never really bonded, but now that he's older and I moved away, I think he misses me." He said, giggling a little, "This is our chance to finally become best buds." He smiled goofily towards me and threw the ball in the air only a short distance.

     Suddenly, the doorbell rang and he quickly turned towards it, "That's him." He said, then quickly ran for the door, setting the ball down as he did. When he reached the door, it beeped and slid open, a smaller boy with long, curly brown hair, who looked a great deal like his brother, walked through the door, a back pack slung over his shoulder. "Kyle!" Kaz exclaimed, holding out his arms for a hug. Kyle gasped and looked straight past Kaz, an excited expression painted across his face, "The bionic people!" He exclaimed, throwing his backpack in Kaz's open arms, only to run past him and join us. I smiled at Kyle but glanced to Kaz who had a saddened and slightly surprised/agitated look on his face. "Wow. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're more excited to see them than me." He said, fiddling nervously with the bag in his hand. Kyle turned to him and smiled widely, "I am." He then quickly turned back to us, but my gaze, remained on Kaz, whose face instantly dropped. He looked at me and I sent him a sympathetic smile, gesturing to Kyle. We kept eye contact and he shrugged, obviously unsure of what to do.  This was going to be a long day.

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