Find him

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Hiccup and Toothless were sitting on the edge of Berk watching the sunrise once again. 

"Well Toothless, we better get going. The faster we leave, the earlier we can clear thing up." 

With that, they left Berk and headed for dragon's edge. 


Some time later, the dragons riders reached Berk. 

"You know  the plan." Astrid said. 

The gang immediately split up. 

Astrid decided to head to the forge, maybe she could find Gobber and ask for his help. 

The second Astrid saw Gobber in the forge mending some weapons, she ran to him. 


Gobber turned his head to Astrid. 

""Lass? What you doing her? "

"Have you seen Hiccup?" 

"Well yeah. He came to help me out. Then he told me that he would leave Berk and head for the edge. I thought he was with you." 

"Do you have any idea when he left?" 

" no.. Not really. The last time I saw him was Yesterday." 

"oh... Thanks again Gobber!" 

Astrid said as he started to head to Stormfly. 


Some time later, Hiccup and Toothless got back on the edge. 

"I guess they left. They probably went to celebrate my declaration of no longer their leader." 

Toothless nugged Hiccup. 

"Thanks bud." 

Toothless went out a happy growl. 

"How about we go and watch the sunset?" 

The two headed for the platform to watch the sunset. 

Drunk dayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora