21 | "Expect the Unexpected"

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Steele's vehicle pulled up alongside Amirah's apartment. The car ride was quiet between the two as Miyoko kept a poker look on her face. She wanted to cry so bad but she didn't want Steele out of all people to see her shed any tears. No matter how hurt she really was. As she took off her seat belt she heard, "You my dawg, Miyoko and I ap..."

"Don't." She looked at him with a small smile on her face. "You don't have to apologize. You owe him loyalty not me. I get it." She didn't give me a chance to say anything back as she exited his car.

Miyoko got out of Steele's car thanking him for a ride. She held her heels in her hand and walked on her barefoot into Amirah's apartment complex. She rode the elevator up to the eighth floor. The entire time on the elevator she thought about Arlante and where they stood. After everything that happened previously before his infidelity she thought they were in a great place. She was so confused on why he did what he did.

She wanted to also blame Steele and Shorty. Obviously they had knew something that she didn't. She didn't think anything of their suspicious behavior at the party but then it hit her right after she caught Arlante is his act. Ones answer was Arlante was upstairs and the other sung another tune. Steele was the one who told her to go upstairs which he purposely did for her to catch Arlante. He was playing both sides of the fence.

Miyoko sniffled, knocking on Amirah's door. She waited a couple of seconds before the door pulled open. She didn't tell Amirah that she was coming over since it was a last minute thing. Miyoko had hoped she wasn't still upset and would hear her out. Amirah stood at the door in her pink pajama set with her braids in a bun. The mug on her face slowly faded away noticing the look on her friends face. She looked at Miyoko and instantly knew something was wrong.

"Bring it in, boo." Amirah held her arms out at Miyoko who looked at her with a pout on her face. Miyoko scrunched her face up as the tears began pouring out of her eyes. She settled into the hug with Amirah, laying her head on her shoulder.

Thinking that you and the man you're supposed to be in a relationship with is solid and he ends up cheating on you is heartbreaking. It leaves you with so many unanswered questions that you don't even know if you want an honest answer to.

Miyoko sat at the kitchen island with a blanket wrapped around her and and tub of cookies and cream ice cream in front of her. Amirah sat across from her with her own tub of ice cream. It was the perfect time for her to just vent about the stress he had just placed on her.

"I thought what we had was perfect. I thought we were in a good place. It's not even like we were at odds, at each others heads. I mean even if we were it didn't give him the right to go out and cheat on me. I didn't do anything wrong."

"At all."

"Like did he purposely want me to catch him? What man throws a party in house that he lives in with his girlfriend while entertaining another girl?" Miyoko cried, trying to make sense of everything. "He told me it was one time but how am I supposed to trust anything he tells me anymore?"

"He told you himself that he had sex with this girl?"

"He said they didn't have sex but she gave him oral."

"And," Amirah furrowed her eyebrows. "You believe that? You believe what he's telling you?"

"I do." She only believed him because she asked and he didn't hesitate to tell her what happened. Him lying would've dug him in a bigger hole. It only threw her for a loop when he walked out the bathroom holding hands with that random girl as if he had been in a relationship with her.

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