01 | 93'

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            Houston, Texas

An Eleven year old Miyoko strolled down the stairs on her laptop as she made her way into the living room. She was out of school and had been hiding in her room from her parents after her incident at school. Her parents didn't get off from work until about an hour after she got out of school so it gave her time to prepare herself for any punishment coming her way.

"Little girl." Her mother Judy fussed. "You don't hear me calling you?" She mother questioned with her hand on her hip.

"I did but I was just finishing up something." Miyoko replied as she avoided eye contact continuing to looking at her Laptop. It was a bad habit of hers since she knew her mother hated that but she couldn't help the nervousness that ran through her body.

Judy snatched the laptop out of her hand. "Well when I call you down here you come immediately, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay well." Judy looked at her watch checking the time. "You have about 10 minutes go get dressed me and your father are taking you out to dinner to discuss what happened at school."

"Is Kee coming with us?" The eleven year old asked referring to her oldest sister. Keena was her Seventeen- year-old sister who she adored. Now that Keena was older she wasn't really interested in doing anything with Miyoko anymore, she was older and didn't think hanging with her eleven year old sister was a good look for her especially in high school.



"Girl stop asking questions and go get ready." Judy rubbed her temple as Miyoko nodded her head. Miyoko turned around heading in the direction towards the stairs.

About ten minutes later she was dressed.

"Mi!" Miyoko quickly closed her room door after hearing her mother call for her not wanting to get in trouble running down the stairs.

"I'm here momma."

"Okay come on child your daddy already in the car." She grabbed her hand as they walked to the front door.

The drive to the restaurant was not long, they were seated as soon as they walked in due to the reservations Miyoko's dad Mike got for them.

"Okay young lady now it is time we hear your side of the story." Her father; Michael said taking a sip from his water.

Miyoko swallowed the lump in her throat getting ready to explain her side. Her father was always the scariest to her. He was really mean and didn't play any games, for some reason she always thought he liked Keena more than her.

"W-when it was lunch time I was on the line getting my lunch and this girl named Allison and her friends skipped in front of me and I tapped her telling her she skipped me and she told me 'I know' when she turned around. Being me I just left it alone but I could hear her and her friends laughing about something and I know they were talking about me."

"How do you know they were even conversing about you?"

"Michael, let her continue." Judy said taking a bite out of her steak.

"She was talking out loud about my hair and how I wanted to blend in with white people." Miyoko was the one black girl in her school who was born with natural blonde hair. She thought people in school would think it was pretty cool but that changed when people thought the opposite. She stood out to people and that's the first thing they thought about. Black girl from the hood who wanted to be White.

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