Chapter 4: Director Kurama/Maple House

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(A/N: I'm not gonna say about this guy...but I felt hate and bad about this guy. The Elfen Lied show was fuck up...and he lost his wife and give his baby to that fucking place.)

When Kurama saw this creature and he never seen it before but he knew the other director was been pisses off about this situation and then he need to is going need someone who can take care of this situation...this make him was gonna sat right there and chilling little bit and he was going to thinking about this situation.

In Diclonius Institute.

Kurama was standing in front of the girl who was got chained up and then she was got released and this little girl name is Nana.

Kurama: "There's a person I need you to kill Nana, a Diclonius just like you." He told her and Nana looked at her own father Kurama with her eyes widened.

Kurama: "Diclonius have natural ability to sense each other, only you can find her Nana." He said to her.

Nana: "I-I-I think I can find her...but I don't think I can kill her though." She said to him with sadly.

Kurama: "Locate her then, I will arrange for you to contact me when you found her." He told her.

Nana: "Papa? Did this person...make trouble for you? Did they hurt you?" She asked him.

Kurama: "Yes, she did, and only you can help me." He said to her.

Nana put her hands to her eyes and started to cry in happiness that her Papa was trusting her with a mission.

Nana: "I won't let you down, Papa!" She said gleefully, Kurama nodded his head and walk out.

Kurama: "You have a day. Get her ready for combat." He said to her and Shirakawa walked off and the woman having a questionable look on her face.

Shirakawa: "Director...why didn't you tell her about the creature?" She asked him.

Kurama: "You believe one soldier?" He asked her.

Shirakawa: "Well, I mean he seemed pretty hysterical when we found" Shirakawa said again.

Shirakawa: "You're right, never mind." She said and Kurama looked on ahead to be fair he was wondering to see about the form of (Y/N) turn into Carnage.

Next Morning Later.

Outside of Maple House.

Outside of Maple House

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Maple House (楓荘, lit. "Maple Manor"; also known as Maple Inn, Kaede-So, or Kaede-House) is the home in Kamakura that Kouta and soon after Yuka stay in while attending college.

Yuka's mother allows Kouta to live in the restaurant-turned-home for free as long as he maintains the grounds. It would later house Nyu, as well as Yuka, who came back to make sure nothing happened between an unsupervised Kouta and Nyu. Then, they adopted Mayu, who ran away from her abusive parents, as well as taking in Nana, released from the Diclonius Research Institute by Kurama. In the manga, Yuka's friend Nozomi, a regular visitor studying for a music school unbeknownst to her father, moved in permanently after passing her exams. Wanta mostly stays outside in a doghouse by the front entrance unless inclement weather forces him inside.

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