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"wait- what brought you here" felix suddenly got up and asked.

"we were going bowling but if you wanna stay then-"

"stay with me" he smiled at the taller as he pointed at the tv.

"ok ^_^"


days and days passed by and felix saw himself get closer to hyunjin, it was weird. he supposedly hated him, right?

one day, he was casually visiting the library looking for some books and video games to spend his free time in. as he sat down swipping over the books to find an interesting title, a girl his age sat in front of him, and passed by a book.

"hey!" she was pale skinned brunette dressed in a short pink dress and smelled like lilies.

"oh hey." felix greeted back as he watched the book she passed.

"I've been watching you for a while and I feel like you'll like this book! it's a book with a CD in it, you can both read and play it! (they have a name but I forgot😭) thought you'd like it.." she cutley laughed as she fixed her bow.

"really? that's cool, thanks!" felix tried to not sound weirded out by her "watching him" but she was actually really nice.

despite the way she looked, she was really good at gaming.

they spent their afternoons playing games together on the library's computers. and eventually, they both started working past time here.

"the job's quite fun, yeah? the people here are so weirdly interesting!" Akari giggled as she eyed felix.

"I know righ- wait I gotta take this" he ran to the bathroom as hyunjin rang.

"hey, our first time calling, yeah?" felix chuckled.

"I wanted to hear your voice, it's been a while"

"it's just been a week hyunjin! also im busy working.."

"wait should I come visit you someday"

"what happened to the boy who hated me huh.!"

"shut up.. I'll visit you someday, have fun bye!"

'I definitely won't.' felix thought as he hung up on hyunjin, making his way back to akari.

"who were you calling?" she gave a creepy smile which made felix not want to tell her.

"just a friend, akari. why?" he sighed.

"is it a girl.. or or a guy!" she excitedly bounced.

"why does it matter.. " he backed away a little, she was creeping him out.

"it's just.. you looked really happy calling them.. which is good! ofc!, I just lowkey wish I was them.." her smiley face suddenly dropped to a resting face as she went back to the customers.



felix was attempting to paint some of hyunjin's paintings he sent, but obviously failed. miserably.

but he didn't stop, it was fun. he felt that hyunjin was right beside him by just viewing his paintings.

he left the brushes alone as soon as he got a new message.

Akari library girl
>hey lixie ><
>its the weekend and I miss u :((
>shoudlnt we meet :3

um akari im kinda busy right now<
let's have a cupcake date at the library next week🤞<
I bet you can make really wonderful ones<

>omg you think so? >o<
>ill bake the best cupcakes just for you ^^
reacted to the message

felix noticed that akari, his only girl friend, was starting to develop feelings for him. it was sooo obvious it made him confused. he usually stayed nice and cute to her because he was scared of her. and he was scared of hurting her. he did not want that. he did not want to be a heart breaker, like someone he knew..


next day,

felix was invited to hyunjin's place after partying with han, jeongin and chan.

he was obviously going to be tired after the party, but he still went there anyway.

they had fun swimming as usual.

"dont you have any family? " felix asked out of the blue as he took a sip from a drink, not really focused on what he's saying.

hyunjin gave him another can to avoid the question, but it didn't work.

"you dont?"

"I.. I used to.. obviously, long story-" hyunjin looked around nervously trying not to mention anything about his parents, but that made felix more curious.

"are they..dead?" felix pouted as he put his arm on hyun's shoulder, feeling sorrowful and regretting asking this. regretting asking personal things about someone he supposedly dislike.


"felix I- I killed them."

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