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"your teacher called me and told me you passed out on the exam sheet! how do you feel now? " she said patting her son's back.

"Im still functioning.. I guess??" she giggled.
"I still need to do that exam right?"

"yes, but you should feel better first. do you remember what you studied or need some time???"

he lowkey did remember everything. I mean, it was english. who wouldn't ace that?

"yes it's pretty easy. I think I'm ready for it now. I just need that vacation started already ugh!"

all he needed was some video gaming and cold drinks with his friends and that's it.

"it's all because of you hyunjin. I despise you."


he took the exam again, handed it and quickly rushed outside the exam room, looking for his friend.

"woohoo!!! summer time!!" he yelled.

time went by pretty fast. but he did enjoy it. in fact, he made some new friends too! jeongin and chan. they were pretty chill he liked them.

they had pool parties and shit.

he couldn't wait to do that again when he turns 18 for them drinks🙏.


(time skip) (he's 15 rn)
it was first day of high school now.
he's never been more nervous his entire life.

"no more fun I guess.." he thought, stepping in the new highschool building.

he went around looking for han and the others, that's when he suddenly bumped into someone.

"hey! watch out." a very attractive voiced male shouted.

he was tall, fit, and had long dark hair.

"wait" he turned around, scanning the shorter with his pretty dark eyes.

"NO FUCKINGGG WAYYY" felix thought as the tall guy turned over, wanting to be burned alive.

first day was already ruined for felix by the sight of him..

"aren't you..?"

"UHH SORRY GOTTA GO BUSINESS CALLED!" he nervously yelled and escaped. he always did.

such a coward he was.

he rushed to the bathroom and locked himself. his face was getting hotter each second and he didn't even know why and how hyunjin could make him more nervous than any cute girl he meets in random cafes.

he calmed down then went to wash his face, and to his luck, he finally saw his best friend on his way out.

"wait up!" he said hurrying.

"broo you won't believe who I just bumped into" felix grabbed him from the neck.

"hmm??" han turned around and hummed in response.

"him dude."


"HYUNJIN MOTHERFUCker... oh" he lowered his voice noticing how loud he was.

"ohhhh.. what happened" he said interested.

"I bumped into him okay and he like scanned every inch of my body and and and was about to uh ask me smth but I panicked and ran away LIKE A COWARD" he spoke faster than a changbin could ever rap.

"dude dude calm down do you wanna be a rapper? I can rap do you wanna hear-"


"you're sooooo immature." he sighed as he let felix hide behind him.

i mean felix knew he was but he couldn't stand getting terrible mistreatment from other people anymore.

so avoiding them is for the best.. he thought.


they had science for the first class, felix hated science but since it was the first day they wouldn't take much. he sighed in relief.

until he saw him AGAIN...

"don't sit next to me don't sit next to me don't sit near to me don't don't don't fuckin-"

"great." he said outloud as hyunjin sits right next to him.


felix mentally gasped and his eyes got wider. is that.. hyunjin not being a bitch for once?? or did he still not see felix??

"h-hi?" he stuttered.
"fucking amazing." and thought.

"shouldn't you apologize for your doings cutie?"

"is he.. flirting..???" felix tilted his head in confusion. is he dreaming?

"uh what are you doing"

hyunjin sighed. "I'm politely asking you to apologize for bumping into me earlier, before I make this year hell for you, felix." his eyes were fixed on felix's, staring right through him. it made felix shiver.

"w-what if I don't" he shamelessly said. he did NOT want to be a "coward twinkie" anymore, as people called him.

"felix and hyunjin stop talking! it's only the first day!" the teacher interrupted.

"you'll see" he whispered.


anddd here is where felix regreted what came out of his mouth.

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