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"do you think I should come with you, just in case?" jeongin offered as felix nodded.


an evening before felix meets his ex

felix was lazily laying down in his room switching tv channels as there was nothing watchable, however he got bored and got up then went to bathroom. as he was washing his hands after business, he stared at himself and thought that he should go for walk.

he got dressed in simple comfy sweaters and an oversized shirt, then unlocked the front door and started jogging in the dark quiet road.

an hour or two passed by, but he was not home yet. he liked the windy weather. he liked how he can freely think here without someone disturbing, but out of the sudden, it started pouring. a drop after a drop till it became raining heavily. felix did like the rain, so he continued walking anyway. he liked the feeling of freedom. he then froze and looked behind him, noticing how lost he was. 'where am i?' he thought, having a mini panic attack.

he walked in the opposite way from where he came from attempting to find his way back, he was lost in a small neighborhood with few short houses which were not illuminated.

"hello??" he knocked on one of the doors, but no answer. he tried a few more but it looked like those houses were abandoned, so he broke in one of them to warm himself up.

it was a short ceiling house, which looked like it belonged to no one. there was a couple of blankets on a bed and a bathroom. it was so dusty.

he sat on the bed and took of his shirt and left it to dry, meanwhile he covered himself with one of the blankets and took his phone out to search for the location.

'damn... I walked alot. ' he thought as he found himself so far away from his home, he sighed at the thought of walking all those meters back.


do you think you can give me a ride<
I'm lost<
sent 03:41

'shit..' he said out loud as he sighted at the time. jisung was most definitely not awake.

he tried texting chan and jeongin too, but his fortunate wasn't good enough. he wasn't even close to anyone else so he didn't know who to text

but he did have another two choices tho.

seungmin.. or hyunjin?

'ughhh' he groaned at the thought of texting any of them.


>why are you awake

can you do me a favor.<

>how did you get my number

from the class group dumbass I don't have enough data to open insta<

>damn the audacity??

felix was about to lose it. texting hyunjin always made him feel angry for some reason, but it felt like a better decision than texting seungmin.


>what could happen this late

I'm lost okay.<
I need a lift<

>where are you moron

sent location

'will he even come..' he sighed as he waited. few minutes passed by and surprisingly, hyunjin came in a motorbike, wearing a leather jacket and a helmet. he looked like a real bad guy.

"motorbike? seriously?" felix rolled his eyes at the taller.

he was relived though. he didn't think he would come. he thought he would abandon him like he abandons his previous partners when they get drunk at a party, it looked like he never cared about them.

"hop in" he demanded , giving a second helmet.

felix wore it as he sat behind hyunjin. "won't I fall? "

"you can hold into me if you want" hyunjin teased.

"I'd rather fall."


"SLOW DOWN YOU DICKHEAD" felix shouted as he was on a verge of falling, he unintentionally held into hyunjin's waist and pushed himself closer. hyunjin smirked under the helmet and drove faster, hitting the rain puddles.

"do I drive to my house or yours?" hyunjin asked raising his voice so the younger could hear him.

"mine obviously..!" felix replied.

"I don't know the location though"

"just.. go to your place and I'll walk home.." he gave a solution as hyunjin nodded.

hyunjin parked his motorbike as soon as they arrived, taking off his and felix's helmets revealing two cute boys staring at each other in the rain.

"o-okay thanks I'll.. I'll continue from here.." he thanked the taller as he avoided eye contact. hyunjin took off his jacket and put it on the freckled boy's shoulder. "stay safe" he patted his shoulder and headed to his place. anxiety froze felix up, since when was hyunjin this caring? it weirded felix out.

".. pfft whatever" he muttered to himself and started heading home, trying to avoid the thought of what could happen the next day.

dark angel || hyunlix Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt