Preparations and Gathering of Aristocrats

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Izumi has returned with both Sebastian and Claude the next day to fill in for Aizawa (earlier, he attempted to go to school, only for Sebastian to knock him out.)

Izumi opened the door as all the other students were all seated.

"Hello everyone. Nice to see you've all rested up." Izumi said.

"Phantomhive!" The 1A students said in surprise.

"Wait, you're the acting substitute?" Kaminari asked.

"Until Aizawa fully recovers. Trust me, earlier the oaf tried to get here still in traction as one of the villains had a tough quirk. Had to knock him out and have the staff restrain him. He should be back tomorrow. But right now, you need to worry about something else."

That got their attention. Was it the villains again?

"The U.A. Sports Festival is around the corner." Izumi said shocking them.

"Um, is that a good idea? Having the Festival after a villain attack?" Jiro asked.

"Yeah, won't they attack again?" Kirishima asked.

"Well, the Hero Commission and school staff thinks that holding the Festival even after the attack will show the school is safer than ever. Which is not a complete lie. We're beefing up security to the max compared to previous years. This isn't an event to simply cancel. As I'm sure you know, in the past, the Olympics were the rage until quirks appeared. Now the biggest event of the year is this Festival. As it is not just an opportunity to show off your quirks, and impress the public, it gives you the chance to get scouted as big time heroes from across the country if not the world will be watching, and it will increase your chances of going pro one day after graduation. For the next two weeks, the school is freeing up gym classes and study hall for students to prepare themselves. One chance a year. Three chances in a lifetime. So if you want to aim high, make the next two weeks count, which means no slacking off." Izumi finished.

"Yes, ma'am." The students, bar Katsuki, said.
Izumi was at her makeshift office writing down something as she noticed that there were a slew of students gathering at 1A, and they were from other classes.

Apparently the news spread about the break in and other students were scoping out the competition  especially since one blonde from 1B declared that he would defeat them.

"And what makes you belive you could stand a chance against villains in that situation?" Izumi spoke up, a walking cane in hand.


"I hear she beat most of the villains and got a good hit on their leader."

"And she's quirkless on top of that! She's tougher than she looks."

Students whispered among each other.

"What do you mean by that Phantomhive? If we were in the USJ instead, we would've beaten those-" Neito said before he recived a glare.

"You are not considering the 'what ifs'. What if the villains were stronger? What if they had quirks immune to yours? What if they were really capable of murder without a second thought? I've seen it from their leader. And he had the quirk to back it up. He would've killed Aizawa if I didn't intervene. 1A would be left without a homeroom teacher. Same thing with Thirteen and All Might since he was their main target. And the only reasons 1A got lucky is because the villains had no idea what their quirks were, and the pawns had no real training. So you should be asking yourself, 'If the situation was more deadly, could I have survived?' If you dont take such situations seriously you might as well kiss your future career plans goodbye. Heroism is no game. It can be a matter of life and death." Izumi glared at Neito and the other students making them shiver.

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