Chapter 5.

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Another day, another dollar, and lots of bright futures being saved.

Today is the day where the children of my little league have their first , game, I'm excited for not only myself but for them.

I greeted and seen everyone's parents except for E'Siah's mom, she hasn't really been around, I actually haven't seen her except one or two times since our practices in the past two weeks. Every time I seen her something just didn't seem right, she didn't have that vibrant vibe that I had seemed to become fond of when we first met.

I've come to conclusion that the man picking and dropping off E'Siah is his father which is all good and dandy but I don't like how he's not here to watch his child's first game.

The child has distanced himself from all the other children, I can feel what he feels already, one thing about me is I have a tender heart but even worse I hate when a child is down.

I walked over to E'Siah and sat on the bench he was sitting on.

"Hey little man, you don't seem too happy. Talk to me what's wrong?" I asked.

E'Siah was sniffing so that meant he had been crying for a little while.

"My mommy's not here to watch me and my daddy couldn't one cares about me" E'Siah said.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hol up little man, let's get one thing straight you are one special young man, you could lighten up anyone's world, who couldn't care about you? Listen your daddy might've had to do something important and little know your mom wouldn't forget about you or leave you hanging, if anyone cares your mommy does so with that being said get out there and put your all into the game so you can go home and tell your mommy had you did it" I said,

E'Siah nodded and wiped his eyes. I knew that what I said about his dad was bluff because if your child was important enough to you then nothing or anyone would stop you from being there for them, it's none of my business and I won't get into that because it's not my place but that does bother me.

After I had made sure little man was good and the rest of the team I sat on the sidelines and watched them play until some one on the right of me caught my eye, E'Siah's mother.

She looked great as always but she didn't seem to vibrant as I said before.

While the children were playing I went to go sit by her, she was away from the big crowd, I see where little man gets that from.

Sitting on the bench, I cleared my throat to let her know I was in her presence .

"Hello, Ms. Lyles" I said.

Looking straight forward towards her son.

"Hi Mr. Jordan" She said.

Felt like my palms were getting sweaty, this woman here..

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