Threats and girlfriends

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She was trembling and sucking in desperate breaths like her lungs were deflating after every gulp of oxygen. And the sight had my every nerve on edge, irking to stop her pain. The boys had been calling out her name repetitively but she was so consumed by whatever was going on in her head that she didn't hear them. When she finally responded to me and her tortured eyes scorched my own, I felt like the world had erupted around us. The earth beneath me shifted so that my world no longer revolved around the sun but rather the pained beauty before me.

I ordered the boys to leave not giving a flying fuck what they told coach because Iris needed me and I was going to be here on every rare occasion that happened. No matter what it costs.

"Come here" I urge her closer, bringing my hands up to circle her waist while opening my legs so she can step closer. "You're still shaking" I think out loud my eyes zeroed in on her frail form.
"I-" her voice wavers with emotion that she tries to erase by clearing her throat.
"You don't need to explain its okay" I rub smooth circles on the bottom of her back, soothing her quivers. "You have practice"
"This is more important. I'm here for you Moore, always" she eyes my face for a moment before I see the wall she firmly built around herself drop and she leans into my body where I'm ready and waiting to catch her.

Iris hides in the crook of my neck, small hands tightly clutching onto my bare shoulders. I only managed to change into my pants, cleats and some padding before she stumbled inside and I dropped everything. Now I'm cradling her head wondering who's neck I need to break because they made my girl cry.

Over the short period of time I've known Iris, I've observed her and I know for a fact she doesn't let anyone see this side of her. She hides behind a mask of indifference or when she can't do that she hides behind real walls like the room we are in now. She didn't know we were in here, she was running, hiding from whatever or whoever did this. Iris even tried to run from me but I've got her now and I don't plan on letting go any time soon.

After five minutes of her slightly bending to lay her head on my skin I lift her gently, to allow her legs to wrap around my waist. She takes the hint and her legs securely move around me so our bodies are flush against each other. There's not a single part of me not touching an inch of her. She's warm but that's no surprise as she's wrapped up in a big hoodie as always, along with those black leggings that show off her perfect ass.

I shouldn't be thinking these things when she's upset and I assure you I wasn't, not when she was still shaking in my arms but over ten minutes have passed now and I'm awfully aware of my dick currently pressing into her heat. Truth is I want to have her but not like that, I want her to open up and let me inside that beautifully complicated mind of hers. That's what I crave, not what's between her legs although that's not to say I would deny it if she offered such a thing.

I just hold her close, noting the moment her head falls and her breathing even outs. She fell asleep..on me. As much as I want to keep her here, attached to me while she naps I've got to get to practice. So I carefully pick her up with a hand against her head and another beneath her ass to keep her steady. The hallways are quiet as I move through them because everyone has long gone home. Outside there are very few cars left; all of those that remain, belong to the football team except for iris' of course.

I move with slow but long strides toward Iris' car and the young girl stood by the passenger's car door. "Is she asleep?" Gracie's gaze travels from me to her sister's sleeping form many times as I nod my head, moving closer to her.

"Yeah" her face scrunches in confusion. "But she never sleeps" Gracie utters to herself but I manage to catch it. What does she mean she never sleeps? Before I can inquire she shakes her head and a bright smile covers her previously addled face. "Stay right there for a second" my eyebrows furrow but I do as I'm told and stop in my tracks. Gracie giggles while grabbing her phone and snapping a few photos of her unaware sister and me.

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