Guitar Man Pt.7*

497 6 0

January 2033

I pinched my eyes shut as Harry thrusted inside of me. "You're not enjoying this are you?" Harry sighed. He looked at me with sympathy before he pulled out. "I'm sorry," I whined. I was on the verge of tears.

"Hey, it's ok we can try something else," he reasoned. His hands rested on my huge baby bump. I nodded at him. The baby was a week late today and I was miserable. I ached everywhere. I was swollen. My parents had been staying in town for when the baby did arrive and they had been driving me crazy. At this point I was willing to do anything to get the baby out of me.

"Is it sex or just an orgasm that induces labor?" Harry asked. "Either," I responded. "Ok, let's try that, maybe it will be more comfortable for you," he suggested. "Harry, nothing is comfortable," I huffed, but he was already situating his head between my legs.

He bent my knees and gently rest my legs over his shoulders. He licked up my slit and my hands flew down to his hair.

"I can feel you relaxing," he hummed. "This is good," he added. He was right. It did feel good.

He kept going slowly drawing my orgasm out of me. His tongue flicked over my clit repeatedly until I was clenching around nothing as my realize swept over me.

"There we go," he cooed while he slowly sat up and laid me back down properly on the bed.

A cry echoed through the baby monitor. "I'm going," Harry said while making sure I didn't move a muscle. While he was gone I pulled on some loose clothing and laid back down with my pregnancy pillow.

Harry opened the door with Ruthie on his hip. Her little fist gripped her favorite plush dolphin, Julie. "Say Hi to mumma," Harry spoke. Ruthie just rubbed her eyes.

"C'mere baby," I said and reached a hand out to her. Harry set her on the bed and she crawled up to the pillows to lay next to my head. Harry took a seat on the bed next to my legs.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked. She nodded. Just then, the baby started to kick me. I rubbed my hand over my stomach and lifted up my T-shirt so the prominent bump was visible. The baby's foot was visible through my stomach when it kicked, intriguing Ruthie.

"That's the baby," I explained to her as she watched. Her hands found a place on my bump.
"Baby?" she asked. I nodded.

"I love you baby," she spoke. "Julie loves baby too" she added, referring to the dolphin still in her grasp.

"You'll be best friends," Harry suggested. "Imagine all the tea parties," he giggled making her squeal.

"I'm gonna go check on your bub, do you want to stay here with mummy?" Harry asked her. She nodded and nestled up with the baby bump.
Ruthie and I spent most of the day curled up in my bed watching movies and playing with her baby dolls.

"Moms gotta go potty," I explained to her before I got up to use the restroom. I waddled into the bathroom and when I was washing my hands after, a warm liquid trickled down my legs. My water had broke.

"Ruthie?" I called out. A moment passed before she was slowly pushing open the door. She looked up at me. "Can you go get dad please?" I asked her. "Yes, mom," she blurted out before running away.

I heard her tiny footsteps run down the hall and from the top of the stair case yell, "DADDY! Mommy needs you!"

I heard heavy footsteps come up the stairs and down the hall until he was swinging open the bathroom door.

"Ok. Ok let's go," he spoke, trying to sound calm. The first strong contraction hit me and I let out a groan. He ran out of the bathroom into our room and then back into the bathroom with the pre-packed hospital bag on his shoulder.

He made his way over to me and put his arm around my back and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

"Ok, to the car," he said. He guided me to the car and helped me in. "I'll be right back," he spoke urgently. I watched him run inside. When he came back out he had one kid in each arm and a pair of their shoes in each hand he threw the shoes in the back seat before getting both kid strapped in their car seat.

Frantically, he got in the drivers seat and took off down the driveway. He dialed my moms number on the cars touch screen. "Hello?" my mom answered. "Hi mom, um we're heading to the hospital now, my water broke and I'm having contractions," I explained. I heard her relaying all the information back to my dad in the background. "Ok, hun. We're on our way," she spoke before hanging up the phone.
Labor was quick. By the time they got me settled into a room, I delivered the baby in 30 minutes. After nearly 24 hours of labor with Laurie, and 3 hours with Ruthie, the third baby came quickly.

The cried filled the room as well as my heavy, shaky breathing. Harry cut the umbilical cord and the baby was placed on my chest.

"Hi baby," I cooed. It was a little girl.

"Do we have a name?" the nurse asked. Harry and I looked at each other.

"Dorothy," I smiled. The nurse typed it in.

"Middle name?" she asked.

"Gem," I answered.

"Ok, mom. We're gonna wash her up, then we'll give her to dad for a minute while we get you freshened up," the nurse explained and pulled Dorothy off my chest.

"You did so good, baby," Harry whispered and gripped my hand.

Another nurse came back in with some warm towels and helped me clean myself up. When they brought the baby back into the room, Harry was quick to pull his shirt off. They handed her to him and he pressed her against his bare chest.

"Hi baby Dot," he choked out while the tears began to fall down his face.

"You're so precious to me already," he whispered. "Isn't she lovely, isn't she wonderful..." he began to sing.

"Alright mom, are we breastfeeding?" the nurse asked. "Yes," I responded. "Ok we're gonna try that now and then we can get anyone else in here that you want to meet the baby," she explained.

She was so small, latched to my breast. My fingers stroked the little bit of hair that was already on her head. Harry kept his finger wrapped in her little hand.

"I'm never prepared for just how amazed I am every time. I made a baby in my body," I exclaimed.

"You made three babies," Harry corrected. "You're everything."

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