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TW: I mention Ol*via W*lde in this chapter bcuz I'm angry with her and Harry and need to vent somehow <3
A/N: for this chapter:  italics=flashback

It was July 5th, 2021, a day I'd unfortunately never forget.

I woke up this morning in my cozy New York apartment. It was just like any other Monday. I got up, got dressed, got a pastry and a latte from the cafe on the corner, called my boyfriend, Harry, and went to work.

Dating Harry Styles wasn't always easy. He came with a lot of complicated things: very little privacy, him being away a lot, etc. He was currently in California working on launching a new lifestyle brand and multiple movies. Him being gone was lonely, but not a big deal since I figured he was just doing his job.

My lunch break is where it all went to shit. I was sitting in the break room with a few work friends, all of us munching on our lunches, mindlessly scrolling through our phones. Suddenly, I noticed a photo of Harry. The photo was taken recently, earlier that day even. he was on a yacht, with the director of one of his upcoming movies, Olivia Wilde. They were slow dancing. She was in a blue high waisted bikini, he was in a sweater and swim trunks. His hands placed on the small of her back as his arms were wrapped around her. Her arms were slung around his neck.

My heart sunk to my stomach, was what I was seeing real?

September 4th, 2021:

I stood in my swimsuit, pressed against Harry as we stood on the deck of a yacht. His chest was against my back as we watched the sunset. His hand was in my bikini bottoms, his fingers thrusting in and out of me. He removed his fingers and brought them to his mouth, licking them clean.

"You're my favorite fucking flavor," he groaned in my ear.

He pulled my bottoms down a little bit so he could insert himself into my dripping core.

"Harry—oh," I moaned.

His thrust were slow and sensual. His lips pressed kisses along my shoulders. His hands travelled around my body, as if to say 'i love this part and this part and this part.'

The pressure from his slow thrusts and his fingers occasionally circling my clit, had me cumming around him, his name leaving my lips like a prayer.

He twitched inside me before filling me up. His cum shooting inside of me with a powerful warmth.

" 'M so in love with you, baby honey," he breathed, "Wanna do this forever."

"Forever," I responded.

That was such an intimate moment, the thought of him experiencing that with someone else made my stomach churn.

"Babe, you alright?" one of my co-workers asked.

"I think i'm going to be sick," I mumbled, turning the phone around to show them.
Everyone gasped.

"Take the day off. Go home," one of them gently said.

I couldn't believe it. Two years down the drain. How could he? If what we had was real how could he do this?

I walked home sobbing. I earned some strange looks from strangers passing by as I continued to weave down the sidewalks.

When I got home I knew I needed to call him. My hands were shaky when I picked up my phone.

"Hello?" he answered.

His voice still sounded so beautiful to me.

"Hi," I breathed, obviously upset.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I saw the photos Harry. On the yacht..." I replied.

Silence. Deafening  silence.

"Harry," I cried, "If you wanted to leave, if you wanted me to leave, I would've packed my bags and gone."

"I-" he began to defend himself but stopped himself short, knowing he didn't have a good enough explanation.

There it was again. The silence.

I took a deep, shaky breath in.

"Tell me it was worth it, you owe me that," I cried.


"You're a coward, Harry Styles. You're a fucking coward— and, and, and," I fumbled over my words. "I would have never done this to you," I sobbed. "I would have never done this to you."

"I'm sorry," he whispered

"No, that's not good enough Harry," I replied.

"I have done a lot of things wrong, but I never thought loving you would have been one of those things," I spat.

"Please—" he spoke.

"Begging for forgiveness isn't going to help, you did this to yourself," I responded.

"Ok," he said with defeat.

Find someone who loves you better than I do.
July- Noah Cyrus

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