i love you

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My cheek was smushed into the cold bathroom tile as I laid there crying. Violent sobs left my body. The tears were hot on my face and my nose was running but I made no attempt to clean myself up.

I was pretty sure my heart was breaking. I had never felt pain quite like it. In fact it was so horrible, I had just been sick to my stomach. The events of the day rang loudly in my mind, causing me to cry out once again.

I was too lost in my current state to notice the sounds of Harry coming home. I didn't hear the garage door open, I didn't hear him come into the house or walk up the stairs. I only noticed his presence when the bathroom door opened and he rushed to get to me.

Immediately, he was on the floor next to me. His arms wrapped around my body and pulled me up into a sitting position. My cheek was now pressed to his warm chest. My tears instantly soaked through his shirt. I could hear his rapid heart beat and it soothed me the slightest bit. He was breathing heavy with worry and I could tell he was trying to calm down. I could practically hear him thinking of how to handle the situation.

"Baby," he spoke breathlessly. I whimpered in response, still crying to hard to form a comprehendible word. His hand came up to stroke the back of my head and I nestled further into his chest. "What's happened? Why're you crying so much?" he asked. A cry erupted from my throat as I tried to calm myself down enough to talk to him. He continued to pet my hair.

"It's her," I choked out.

"Who, baby? Who's her?" he further questioned me. I removed myself from his chest and pulled back far enough so that he could see the anger in my expression. "Who's her?!" I spat back, rage coursing through my veins. I saw his face drop as he realized exactly who I was talking about.

About 2 years ago, a couple months before Harry and I started dating, his management team had signed a contract for Harry to be in a fake relationship with his co-star of his upcoming film for publicity. It upset me at first and Harry had explained that it meant nothing and there were no true feelings involved, but I never really was comfortable with the concept.
I tried to ignore and tell myself that Harry loved me, and me alone; however, after dealing with pretending we weren't a couple in public, seeing them pretend to be a couple in public, and dealing with the constant new rumors and drama that she brought to Harry and I's relationship, I was at my breaking point.

"I can't take it anymore, Harry. It hurts so bad," I sob to him. He pulls me back into his chest. I grip his shirt in my fist. He pats my back as I cry into him. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry, baby," he whispers.

"I need it to be over. How much longer do I have to do this?" I cry harder, my whole body shaking with my sobs. Harry's grip on me tightens. "I don't know," he speaks, his voice breaking. Another fit of sobs wracked through my body.

"I'm so sorry," Harry cried, kissing the top of my head. The tone of his voice and my inability to think straight sent me into a spiral.

He's going to leave me.

He's tired of dealing with me getting upset about this part of his job and he's going to leave me to make his life easier.

"Please don't leave me," I loudly cried, gripping his t-shirt in my fist as tight as I could. "Please," I cried again. At this point, I was fully sobbing again. I was loud and I was messy.

"I'm not leaving you, sweetheart," Harry spoke. He gently grabbed my face with his hands and directed me to look at him. His eyes were soft with worry and love as he took in my red, puffy features.

"I wouldn't even think about it," he added, and attempted to crack a smile. I laughed, in a gross, I've-been-crying-for-hours, kind of way.

"There she is," he cooed at my laughter. His thumbs swept the tears from under my eyes.
"Deep breathes," he instructed. "Good girl. Good," he added as I took a few deep shaky breathes. The tears had stopped for now and I began to compose myself.

"Wanna tell me what's got you so worked up?" he asked. I nodded and reached up to grab a tissue off of the bathroom counter. I blew my nose and tossed the tissue in the trash bin.

"The rumors, the drama, your arm around her as you walk down the street," I stated. He nodded, signaling he was listening. "I just can't handle the weird ass rumors all the time. Like, what the hell are all the "they're married," "Harry's a home-wrecker," "they're engaged," "she's pregnant with Harry's baby." I hate them. And, I'm jealous. I'm so fucking jealous it's disgusting," I continued beginning to get upset again. "Hey, hey. Deep breathes, remember," Harry reminded me and gently rubbed his hand up my arm.

"Babe, I love you. You're the one I want to get engaged too, the one I want to marry, the one I want to have babies with. I'm sorry I have to hold her hand or give her the occasional kiss, but I would always rather it be you," he explained. I gave him a weak smile. "As soon as the contract is up, we'll go for a walk holding hands, I'll kiss you on every red carpet, let the paps take as many pictures of me kissing my girl," he added. I reached for his hand and squeezed it.

"I'm sorry," I spoke. "I'm sorry for acting like this."

"No, don't apologize. The thought of you doing this with someone else makes my blood boil. So, I'm the one that should be sorry, baby. If I would have known I'd fall this in love you when we met back then, I would have never dreamed of singing this deal," he said. "I love you so much," I hummed. He pulled me back into his arms.

"I love you more."
i love you- billie eilish

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