Guitar Man Pt.2*

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Sophie's POV

Harry was back in New York for the first time since he left. I had missed him so bad, I was dying to see him. We lived upstate but had a penthouse in Manhattan. He had shows Saturday and Sunday, so on Saturday morning me and the kids came down to the city to prepare for his arrival. They were also excited to see him. It was currently 12 p.m on Saturday and Harry would be arriving in New York at any minute. We had got to the penthouse about 2 hours ago. I had unpacked while the kids were busy coloring cards and making pictures for their dad when he came back later tonight.

They had just finished their lunch when I got a text from Harry saying he had arrived at the arena.

"You guys ready to go?" I asked.

"Daddy?" Ruthie asked.

"Yeah we're gonna go see dad," I spoke helping her into her jacket.

"Laurie, come here. Let's get your shoes and coat on," I instructed. I helped him into his tiny Gucci jacket and his light up velcro shoes. I put Ruthie into a baby wrap around my front and held Laurie's hand. I led us out of the door and to the elevator.

Once we were outside we began walking towards Madison Square Garden. We walked a couple blocks, I ended up having to carry Laurie too for the last half of our walk. When we got there security escorted us into the back of the arena.

When we walked in they directed us down a hallway where Harry's dressing room would be. We walked down the hall until I saw the door with his name on it. I knocked three times and stepped back to wait for him to open the door. The doorknob turned. It felt like slow motion. Then there he was, smiling his cheeky smile.

"My babies!" he exclaimed pulling the three of us into a group hug.

"Daddy!" Ruthie squealed.

"Hi sweet girl," he smiled picking her up from her place in the wrap around my chest.

"Hi Daddy! What are we doing here?" Laurie asked.

"I'm gonna sing later for a bunch of people in a big room," he explained while Laurie nodded.

"I like when you sing," he stated.

"Me too," I seconded.

Harry laughed at the both of us, bouncing the baby on his hip.

"Love Daddy," Ruthie sighed leaning into his chest.

"Love Ruthie," he replied ruffling her hair then kissing her head. She babbled something inaudible to herself then closed her eyes and stuck her thumb in her mouth.

"Is it nap time baby girl?" Harry asked rocking her gently. I nodded at him to answer his question.

"B- O-T-H," I spelled to him so he would know they both needed naps; however, Laurie would get upset if I said he needed a nap out loud. I sat down on the couch in the corner of Harry's dressing room.

"Come here bud," I held out my hands for Laurie. He jumped onto my lap. I unzipped his coat and pulled it off his arms before taking his shoes off as well. Harry sat next to me, Ruthie already asleep in his arms. He laid her down on the couch next to him and very gently took her coat off. Her shirt had rode up to reveal some of her stomach. He adjusted the shirt so it was covering her properly. Laurie laid his head in Harry's lap, the rest of his body across mine. Harry stroked Laurie's hair.

"Can you sing me a song, Daddy?" Laurie asked.

"Sure, babe," Harry answered. I leaned my head on Harry's shoulder, wanting to relax to the sound of his voice along with Laurie. I shut my eyes as he began to sing.

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