Paper Rings*

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"Ok these boxes go in the living room over here," Gemma leads us to the living room where we set down the boxes we were carrying.

Harry, Anne, and I were helping Gemma move into her new house.

"I'll give you guys a tour," she begins. The three of us follow her through the house as she shows us around. She leads us out to the back porch, which leads to a nice big yard and a pool. The pool was open but it was late November, so way to cold to swim. Harry led me down the porch steps to walk around the yard a bit. When we walked passed the pool, his arm wrapped around my torso and he lifted me off the ground. Everything happened too quickly for me to protest. Next thing I knew  Harry and I were drenched in the icy water. He laughed and pushed my hair out of my face. Immediately I was attempting to get out of the freezing water. Anne and Gemma were rushing over to help us.

"Harry! Why would you do that?" I scold. He was clearly amused. I was not. I stood there, teeth chattering, no doubt in my mind my lips were blue, because Harry's lips were. He pulled himself out of the pool, earning a dirty look from his mum, sister, and girlfriend.

"Harry! I cant believe you did that. Go find some towels and dry clothes and apologize to your girlfriend," Anne insisted. Her hands were rubbing my arms. Gemma stood next to me with her arms folded over her chest. I watched her roll her eyes at Harry.

"If she still wants to be your girlfriend after that," she scoffed, making me giggle. Harry was quick to turn around and squint his eyes at her.

He ran into the house with the three of us trailing behind him. Gemma showed me to the bathroom, where I was now alone, in wet bra and underwear, waiting for Harry to return with towels and clothes.

There was two light knocks on the door. I cracked the door open a bit to see Harry standing on the other side of the door. He had a small smile on his face, as if to apologize for his actions. I stepped aside and let him in. He held out a towel and a pile of clean, dry clothes.

I took the towel from him and removed the reaming articles of wet clothing on my body. I wrapped the towel around me. Harry began to strip too, taking the other towel and wrapping it around his waist. He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes before opening his arms for me.

I hesitated, but eventually accepted the offer. His arms wrapped around me, although we were both cold, he still some how warmed me up.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was going to be a cute spontaneous act, but it wasn't really. I'm sorry you're cold now," he hummed.

"Apology accepted," I replied into his chest.

He pulled away and gestured to the pile of dry clothes on the counter. Our bags were in the car, so I'm assuming he just grabbed clothes from there. I grabbed the dry bra off the counter and hooked it around my body. He held up one of his t-shirts. I put my arms up and he tugged it over my head. He helped me into my underwear with a cheeky smile. I pulled on my sweat pants and turned to help him get dressed as well.

Once we were both dressed, we left the bathroom and sat on the couch, Gemma gave us a blanket and we threw it over both of us, in order to have as much body heat trapped under the blanket as possible. I was still shivering.

After we warmed up, we continued to help unpack Gemma's things. I was unpacking boxes of silverware and dish-ware in the kitchen. Each box had a little sticky-note labeling what was inside. I pulled one off the box when I finished unpacking it's contents. I used to do this thing when I was a little girl where I folded sticky notes into paper rings.
My fingers worked to fold the square in different ways to make a heart ring.

"Whatcha up to in here?" Harry's voice startled me. I jumped a bit, making him giggle. He wrapped his arms around me from behind."Didn't mean to scare you," he added.

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