Guitar Man Pt. 6*

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"I get you all to myself for a week," I sighed as I leaned my head on Harry's shoulder.

"Hmm, don't know that Laurie or Ruthie would like it if you didn't share me ALL week," he joked back. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. Across the private jet aisle from the couch me and Harry were curled up on, were a set of large reclining chairs that Laurie and Ruthie were both fast asleep in.

We were flying to Malibu after spending the last week in Chicago with my family for Harry's residency there.

Harry's hand rested on my growing belly bump. Slowly, he stroked small circles onto my skin. The baby had been restless the whole flight, kicking, and worst of all, hiccuping.

My belly rumbled as the baby hiccuped once again. Harry smiled. "C'mon little love, give your mumma a break. She's taking real good care of you," he spoke towards the bump. My hand went up to his curls and gently massaged his scalp in appreciation.

Harry adjusted his body so that he was laying down with his face next my belly. My hand remained in his hair. I leaned back, closed my eyes, and relaxed my body.

"Fetal hiccups are believed to be a sign of lung development," Harry broke the silence. I opened my eyes and looked down at him. He was reading an article about why our baby was hiccuping. My fingers swept his hair back from his face.

"Doing your research?" I hummed. My finger nails gently scratched at his scalp. "Mhm," he hummed, clicked his phone off, and shut his eyes. He nuzzled his nose into my side and wrapped his arms around me waist.

The rest of the flight was smooth. Everyone took a nap and was well rested by the time the jet landed. The kids were excited to see the ocean again as we drove along the coast to get home.

Harry and I were preparing dinner in the kitchen looking out the floor to ceiling windows at the children on the balcony. Ruthie was sat in her high chair at the table and Laurie sat next to him. They had gotten a tube of plastic sea creatures from the Shedd Aquarium we visited while in Chicago.

I had both the kids plates of food in my hands as I opened the sliding glass doors that led to the balcony. Harry followed behind me with our plates and shut the door once we exited. I placed the food in front of Ruthie and Laurie and let them start eating. Ruthie still needed some help given that she was freshly 2 years old.

The toys were still scattered around the childrens places at the table but they had paid no mind to them since the food was brought out. Harry and I sat next to each other as we ate and listened to Ruthie's babbling and Laurie's stories.

"I named this one Horny," Laurie broke the brief silence, holding up the mini Narwhal toy. Harry choked on his food at Laurie's comment. I was at a loss for words.

When Harry cleared his throat and with a smirk on his face, said, "Are you sure you wanna name it that, lovie ?"

"Yeah!" Laurie exclaimed. I stayed silent, thinking of ways I could help Harry out in this situation.

"What about...Spike?" Harry offered.

"No! Horny!" Laurie yelled.

"Dinner voice please, Laurie," I interjected, encouraging the child to use an appropriate voice for the dinner table.

Harry sighed in defeat and let his arm drape around the back of my chair. His hand landed on my shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze.

"Alright. Are we done? We wanna clean up and get these dirty birds in the bath?" I asked looking at Harry.

"Yep," he replied, popping the "P."

"I'm not dirty," Laurie pouted crossing his arms.

"Oh yes you are. Can smell ya from here," Harry quipped back while plugging his nose.

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