Chapter 13

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Maddie's POV

Waking up I was pleasantly surprised to find that the bed was empty besides me. Stephen had his way with me every few hours, waking me up from sleep, always whispering how he has been waiting for this. I just drowned it out thinking of happy moments in my life.

The longer I have been in this century, the more these past few years have started to take over as my happy moments, but there were still days that I really missed my time. Jedidiah would have loved it, all the modern child centered attractions, disney world for one, it would have been amazing to see him there. I just hope maybe one day I can make it happen.

Slowly stretching my sore limbs, I get out of bed and make my way over to the dressing table. Sitting down I look into my reflection to see my eyes, puffy and swollen from crying, my skin looked dry and dull from lack of my modern day skincare routine. How I miss all of the regimens we had access to in my time.

I settled for splashing some water on my face from the water basin and brushing my hair to smooth out some of the tangles. Its not like I really have anyone to impress. With one last glance, I got up and put on a simple outfit I found in the wardrobe.

Coming down the stairs I heard the laughter of Jedidiah from the kitchen. Heading there I saw him sitting on the counter with Pheadre laughing at some story she was telling him while getting his breakfast ready.

"Good morning my handsome boy!" I greeted him, as I cam in closer. Jumping down from the counter he ran up to me giving me a hugh hug

"Mommy!" he exclaimed, "Daddy said you were sick and to let you have your rest but you are all better!"

"Yes mommy is all better!" I told him, though I am unsure as to why Stephen would say that. "And where did Stephen go?" I asked him unable to call him his father

"He went to meet with some people" Pheadre said, looking around the room as if communicating we were not alone.

"Ah, well then, what are we going to do today sweetheart?" I ask Jedidiah, taking Phedre's hint.

Giggling Jedidiah shouted for a day outside playing in the gardens and the lake that was on this property. Agreeing I had followed him outside to spend some much needed time with him as there has been a lot of change in a short amount of time.

No ones POV

Maddie had joined Jedidiah in playing in the gardens all morning. From exploring the gardens, playing a couple rounds of hide and seek, to rolling down hills and making mud pies. To say they were enjoying themselves would be an understatement.

Unbeknownst to Maddie, Stephen had returned an hour or so into their playing in the gardens and had made up his mind to spend the rest of the day in his study where he could keep a close eye on them. He enjoyed seeing Maddie and Jedidiah this way, making a mental note that she looked beautiful when happy.

Stephen felt in just a short few days since moving his plan up and taking Maddie for his wife, that he has been happier himself. Not to mention all of the 'fun' they had had together the night before. It just solidified his thoughts that they were going to be the perfect family, that Stephen had fallen in love with Maddie not so long after their first encounter and now he is finally realizing it as she is finally his lawful wedded wife.

Near middle afternoon, the sun had been beating down on them for quite a while that Maddie suggested they go for a swim in the lake that was on the land close by. Eagerly agreeing to this Jedidiah took off towards the water, Maddie trailing closely behind him.

This had Stephen looking on in rising anxiety as he has his own fear of water. Seeing his son jump into the water he dashed out of the study in the direction of the lake. Fearing for the worst he had raced out to the edge of the lake only to see Maddie and their son laughing and having fun in the water. Still in a bit of panic, Stephen caught his breath before making his presence known.

"Get out of the water now!" Stephen shouted towards them, causing Maddie to look up in shock and Jedidiah to protest.

"Why?" Jedidiah shouted, "I dont wanna!"

"Get out, that is an order" stephen said in a voice that held no argument. Begrudgingly Maddie led Jedidiah out of the water, making careful measures not to look at Stephen as she did so. "Now comb here, let me make sure yer alright"

"We are fine." maddie stated, more annoyed he had to come home and ruin their fun. She had secretly wished his meetings had gone bad and he would not have returned, unfortunately that did not happen.

"I said comb. Here." stephen commanded again, this time with more force. Glancing at Jedidiah, Maddie decided it best to just follow the order and get it over with so they could reconcile the rest of the day.

As soon as Maddie got close enough, Stephen knelt down to check Jedidiah over, looking for any sign of an injury or pain. After thoroughly checking him over, he rose up to look over Maddie. He pulled her into his arms checking her over, turning her around and searching her all over for the same signs. Finally seeing that there were none, he pulled her closer to him in an embrace with her back pressed into his chest. Kissing her head he whispered in irish gaelic some soothing words before letting go to pick up Jedidiah.

Looking at Stephen questionly, Maddie decided to ask the burning question, "what the hell was that about"

"Sweetheart, we have got to work on yer tongue. I should tan yer hide for language like that." he chided like he was talking to Jedidiah instead. Noticing her glare, he chuckled and pulled her close to him again holding onto both their son and Maddie as if he were afraid if he let go, they would parish.

"The water is dangerous, I do not want to hear of you playing anywhere near it again." he stated as if it were an every day request.

"What do you mean its dangerous?" Maddie argued, finding this new rule ridiculous, "I know how to swim, and I have been teaching Jed since he was a baby!"

"It is dangerous. That is the end of this. No more water." Stephen growled back, holding them to himself tighter. Realizing that this would have to be an argument for a different day as he was not backing down, Maddie bit her tongue and just nodded.

"Can I just go play now?" Jedidiah asked in some annoyance that he had been stopped from swimming.

"Of course ye can! Daddy will join ye and mommy! What do ye say to that lad?" Stephen exclaimed to Jedidiah and much to Maddie's dismay Jedidiah was all to thrilled at this.

"I'm sure 'daddy' has some other things he'd rather do, I-" Maddie attempted to get out of it,

"Nonsense! Nothin is more important than spendin time with me son and me wife!" Stephen interrupted. "Comb now, lets go play in the gardens." Stephen pulled Maddie along with him and Jedidiah in the direction far away from the lake.

Stephen delighted himself by playing with Jedidiah, he had to pull Maddie along sometimes as she had several reservations but finally, early evening they had settled down on the porch swing. Stephen was on one end with Maddie pulled to his chest and Jedidiah resting on Maddie's. Stephen had been running his finger tips up Maddie's arm causing a chill to run through her every now and then. To Stephen this was out of pleasure, to Maddie, she felt disgust at her body's reaction.

"Mommy?" Jedidiah sleepily called out,

"Yes baby?" Maddie asked back

"Can you sing for me?" Jedidiah asked, blinking his eyes to stay awake.

"Of course baby" Maddie said, although she was a bit unsure with Stephen being there too. "What song do you want mommy to sing?" she asked looking down at her son.

"Dont grow up" Jedidiah said, still struggling to stay awake.

Smiling Maddie started to sing her once favorite Taylor Swift song, Never Grow Up. She had started singing this song to Jedidiah after he was about a few days old. She realized the song fit him and her situation perfectly.

Halfway through the song, Jedidiah had fallen asleep and Stephen had pulled them closer as he was finding himself growing tired as well. He was not sure of what all of the lyrics meant, and he made a mental note to add those to the list of questions he had for his wife of her strange words and habits.

Not too long after Maddie had finished singing, he felt her head grow heavy on his chest. Looking down he saw that she, like their son, had fallen asleep. Giving her head a final kiss, he let himself get comfortable, and while holding her closer to his chest and stabilizing Jedidiah in with his legs, he let himself too fall asleep. 

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