Chapter 12

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Entering the bedchambers, I noticed the washbin in the corner was filled with steaming water. A bath would do me good in the moment, but not with him. This seemed to be his plan however as he pulled me further into the room.

"I had the servants get a bath ready fer us as I know its been a long day" he said as if it were a grand gesture on his part. He guided me closer to the tub, stopping several feet away to pull me to him. Leaning down he captured my lips in his. I let him deepen the kiss as I have no way of escape and I fear fighting him will just make it worse for me.

"Lets get this lovely dress off of ye so we can get in this tub while the water is still hot." he started un-tying my corset, slowly making sure to take his time. The ties of my skirts were next, followed by him loosening my corset.

"You sure know your way around undressing women" I jabbed at him in an attempt to hold him accountable for his wrongdoings. This seemed to stop him for a moment, taking a deep breath.

"I do not regret anythin I did to ye or fer us, but I do promise ye, me days of being a sea bearing pirate are over. The only woman in me life now is ye," he said as if this is what I needed to hear.

"What do you mean by that?" I say trying to stall him as he was working on undoing his outfit, while I stood there in my shift.

"I mean, sweetheart, ye are my only concern and the only one I will bed"

Gulping I backed away slightly, putting some space between us. "Why would you want that?" I question more

"Why would I not? I got the perfect wife who is even lovelier when I get to take her" he said closing the distance between us. I backed up into the wall behind us so there was no where for me to go. He leaned town, running his left hand along my right leg, slowly easing his way closer under my shift to my ass. Placing a firm hand on my ass he used his right hand to cup my face pulling my lips to his. Kissing me slowly, he started to raise up my shift. He pulled it slowly up and over my head leaving me completely naked in front of him.

Feeling voulnerable infont of him, fully naked for the first time, i moved to cover myself. Stephen took a step back to look at me further. "Don't hid yerself from me Maddie. Ye belong to me now, as I belong to you." He pulled my arms back down to my sides, looking at me more intently. He then stepped away, taking the remainder of his clothes off, letting me see him for the first time. He was a handsome man, with a toned chest and abs. He would put most men in my time to shame. His arms held strong muscles I can imagine came from controlling his ship on the wild waves of the sea. Had we not met the heinous way that we did I would be attracted to him. Unfortunately for him, that will never be the case.

I watched him get into the tub, sinking lower and settling in. looking at me, he held out a hand for me to follow suit. Unwilling to make this night more unpleasant than it will be, I followed his unspoken command.

I slowly stepped into the tub. Feeling his hands on my hips, I let him turn me to where my back is to his front, pulling me down sitting between his legs. I felt him enclose me in his arms and his arousal growing harder by the minute. I was allowing myself to get somewhat comfortable in the situation when i felt him trailing his hand up my leg beneath the water.

"What are these markings on your back my love?" Stephen questioned while stroking my leg. Puzzled at first, I really had to think of what he was taking about. Then it registered, my 18th birthday presents to myself. I had gotten a cross tattoo into my mother's favorite bible verse on my spine as a tribute to her and four black birds on my left ribcage for my father. Seeing as he has never seen me naked and my day to day dresses cover these up, I never have to explain them.

"Umm they are called tattoos?" I state in more of a question, unsure of how to tell him what they are.

"Tattoos?" he stated back questioningly, "how did you get them?" he asked interested in the markings.

"I uh got them in one of the trips I had taken with my uh uncle" I say, quickly making up a story. There is no way I can explain the real process of me getting them. "I got them several years ago, I don't really remember" I say trying to convince him to stop questioning.

"They are very interesting." he stated bringing one hand up to trace the cross. "Do ye have any more surprises I would be interested in knowing 'bout?" he asked pulling me back onto his chest.

"Uh nope I don't think so" I quickly say, honestly I forgot about the tattoos for the most part anyway, except for when Claire, Jamie, and Bree would ask about them. Smiling at that memory I let myself get comfortable again. And much like before, my comfortability was interrupted by his hand wandering further up my thigh and closer to my center.

I felt him slowly trace up and down, edging closer each path. I felt him kiss my neck and use his other arm to draw circles on my stomach. All of these sensations were making my skin break out in goosebumps, though not for the reasons he thinks.

"Danu, darlin' yer makin me want ye so bad," he breathed out onto my skin, I felt him push me forward slightly so he could stand up and step out of the tub, he pulled me up next to him, bringing our bodies closer. "Ive been wantin ye since we last parted in the jail. And now ye are mine forever" he finished his statement by bringing his lips onto mine.

Deepening the kiss he pushed me towards the bed letting his hands roam my body. As we got closer to the bed he pushed me down onto it. If finally crossed my mind what was about to happen, "Please Stephen, can we not do this tonight?" I ask hoping he would comply with my plea

"Sweetheart, I have waited way too long already. Just relax and I will do me best to please ye as well" he said not caring that i was not okay with this

"Please, I-" cutting me off he put one hand over my mouth as he spoke

"Like it or not ye are me wife." he emphasized the wife part, "and as me wife, there are marital duties to uphold. As yer husband, I will most definitely be upholding mine" he winked as he slammed his lips onto mine. "In time ye will love this just as much as me, I know it" he said between kisses.

I felt him trail his hand up to my center, pausing when he felt that i had some uncontrollable reaction. I hated my body for reacting this way. "See darlin' yer already startin to like it" he said slipping a finger into me, making me gasp from the intrusion. He used this to deepen the kiss further, letting his tongue explore my mouth. He was rubbing my clit while he guided himself with his other hand to my entrance.

With a soft grunt he pushed his way in. pausing as we both gasped as he was fully inside of me. "Danu, ye feel like heaven" he whispered into my ear. He slowly pulled out to where just his tip was inside before thrusting in harder than before. He continued this, picking up his pace in a steady rhythm that my body was all to eager to respond to. He filled me completely every time he thrusted in, and it felt so different than the first time he took me. Realizing this tears started to spring in my eyes. I let one or two fall down my face before he noticed and kissed them away off my tearstained face.

"Don't cry sweetheart," he cooed, as if it were a sweet moment between us. The sickening part was this seemed to make him enjoy it more as he climaxed shortly after. He stayed in me for along time after as if to empty himself completely before pulling out.

Laying down besides me he pulled me to him. "Hush sweetheart" he cooed again, "I will make ye love me, as I have already started fallin fer ye" he said. "I mean it Maddie, we are going to be a good family" he said pulling me closer. He fell asleep like he did the night before, me tucked into his body, and his left arm holding onto my right breast. All I could do was silently cry at the new twisted turn of my life. 

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