Chapter 2

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"It wont work" she stated, her tone was laced with sorrow. She must know the panic I am starting to feel.

"Why won't it work, I just came from there, I have to go back." I have finals I think to myself. "How did I even end up here?" I question out loud.

"It requires gemstones to travel, and judging by your necklace, you already used your gemstone." she started walking up to me as a way to comfort my now shaking body. I looked down and saw that my once emerald necklace that I was so fond of is now just an empty clasp on a gold chain. She laid a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with much sorrow. "You have to find a gemstone to come back, and those are really hard to come by."

Starting to tear up at the realization that I would not be going home any time soon, I ask the question on my mind. "How am I going to survive? I have no idea what to even do, nor do I know my way around this time, heck I don't even know my way around my own time, that's what GPS is for. I am going to die, I won't graduate, I -"

"Shhh calm down, it will be okay. You will come with me, I will take you with me and together we can figure out what to do. My mom will know how to help us, we just need to find her." she said while rubbing my back, "everything will be okay" she soothed. That does sound like a good plan, I mean she is my only hope, my only chance of survival.

"Okay" I state plainly.

"Okay." she said, "now we need to get you changed into something more... of this time" she said while going through her bag. She pulled out some garments and helped me change into an outfit that better fit this time period. It was a deep green fabric which complimented my skin tone and matched my deep green eyes. "There, now none will know the difference."

she laughed a bit to herself then added "I have got to say, times really do change considering your outfit before" laughing along I replied,

"You think that is bad, you should see what people wear when they go out." I laughed, "that was mild compared to some" she looked at me with a curious expression,

"Tell me about what the 21st century is like," she asked.

"Well it's very, very different from this time, but you could have already gathered that," I stated. I then went on to tell her what has changed and how different life was in the future. As I was telling her all that I knew, we started walking in the direction in which her map called this time's inverness, hopefully there we would find a way to get to a town called lallybroch to find her aunt and uncle, from there we need to find a way to the America, or in this time, the Colonies.

"So in your time you just 'googled' everything?" she asked putting air quotes around the word googled,

"In a sense yes, I stated, I mean everything is at our fingertips, I mean we wouldn't even know how to use a map, we have GPS for that."

"Wow that sounds so blissful, to have everything so easily obtainable." she sighed,

"In a way yes, but it also caused a lot of problems, the world turned isolated, everyone on their phones, no one socializes outside their screen it seems" I trailed off thinking of how often I would see people out and about hurrying from one place to the next, nose stuck in a phone, "it was really sad sometimes now that I think about it."

We continued to walk, sharing bits of information here and there, I even showed her my phone which surprisingly made the trip and still turned on. The only thing I could show her were my pictures, and music, which she actually liked.

"Wow that is amazing to be able to have any music you want at the push of a button" she gushed, "your music is a little disgusting though" she laughed

"This is nothing I stated, there are far worse songs out there!" I laughed, thinking that she would lose her mind hearing WAP by cardi b.

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