Chapter 6

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After the docs, and Jamie and Claire finishing in town, we made a plan to visit the beach nearby as it is something I love seeing when we come to town, and seeing as it's my birthday, the Fraser's were not willing to pass up the opportunity to do something that I loved. "This is breathtaking" I sigh to Bree who was equally at peace. The beach is someplace that brings both of us peace. "I am so thankful we had time to come here today"

"It really is a sight to see" she breathed out staring out into the horizon. I looked around to see Jamie and Elias playing in the sand and Claire looking for seashells to help her with some sort of medication or something she could use for healing. It really was just a peaceful moment in time. Looking back to Bree I found her to be staring at me with a sly grin on her face.

"uh - oh, I know that look, you're up to something" I state while raising my eyebrow at her.

"I am only up to something if you can't keep up" she states and with that she starts running along the shoreline. I take off after her as I am never one to give up a little competition. We ran what seemed like a mile but in all actuality it may have only been 50 yards if that.

"That is hard to do in a corset and skirt" she said while trying to catch her breath

"That's for damn sure" I say back equally out of breath. Laughing I sit down along the beach, just close enough that my feet would touch the waves coming onto shore. She sat down next to me.

"Be honest, are you getting nervous?" she asked while staring at the water.

"Honestly, I sort of expected this to come sooner or later, I just hoped it would be later" I laughed "Much, much later"

"Oh well that would be tragic, waiting too much longer would send Jocasta to an early grave" she joked back.

"Honestly, what is her deal with me being a single mom, I mean in my time this happens all the time." I reminisce about my old life.

"Well the people around here would lose their minds to see a woman thriving on her own without a man at all to help, really a shame though, most men this time are monsters" she shuddered out

"Don't remind me" I laugh out loud. It is nice to have Bree and Claire around for this very reason, for they both understand what it's like to be from a different time.

"Do you think they noticed we aren't in sight?" she asks starting to look around, it was that moment I got an all too familiar chill running down my back.

"Well, maybe we should start heading back –" I start to say standing up when I am cut off by a chilling voice. A voice that has haunted my dreams for the past 3 years.

"Now why would ye want to do that darlin'" his chilling voice pierced my ears. It can't be I thought, he's supposed to be dead. Upon realization of his voice I spun around to see the monster himself walking towards us.

"Bree, run! Go get Jamie!" I yell at her.

"No! I will not leave you with him again" she stated firmly next to me.

"Really ye should listen to her, for it won't end too pretty for ye" Stephen directed towards Bree. "If you come with me now, no harm will come to them, it is you and me son that I am after" he then stated to me.

"Never in a million years would I go with you, you sick bastard!" I shouted at him this time, turning enough to start running. Bree took off with me not so far behind, I felt that we were getting some distance but that hope was shattered when I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist. One hand shot up to my mouth when he pulled me hard against his chest.

"Now now, that is no way to talk to your future husband" he quipped at me, "ye had little faith in my promise i take it –" I cut him off biting his hand, "Why yer a feisty one I'll give you that" he remarked at me. It was at this time that Bree noticed that I was not behind her, she started running back towards me, that's when I felt him press something cold and sharp against my neck.

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