Chapter 4

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Hey guys! sorry its been a minute for a post! this is a smaller chapter but I promise I have a few in the works that should be out later this week! work has been crazy but I still am wanting to write this and see it through! thank you to those who are reading it and liking it! hopefully yall will like this chapter too! 

Here goes nothing, I think to myself as I am walking inside of the jail. I take slow shaky steps towards his cell. You can do this, I repeat over and over in my head. All of my emotions are running wild in my head. Am I crazy for wanting to confront him? Am I going to cry? Am I going to cuss him out? All I know is that I have to do this to be able to get past what he has done to me so that I can be the best mother to my child. With one last breath, I shakily took my final step forward and into his jail cell.

I was greeted with the sight of him plainly sitting there, no signs of anxiety or malice, just sitting, almost as if he doesn't seem to care that in a few short hours, he will cease to exist. Slowly stepping inside the cell, I can feel his eyes on me. Not sure of how to break the silence, I say the first thing that comes to mind "Do you know who I am?"

Sarcastically and unbothered he retorted "Queen of Shebaa? I don't think you were after telling me your name sweetheart."

"Don't call me that!" I quickly quip out, the thought of that pet name brings back unpleasant flashbacks to the night he took me.

Standing up and walking closer to me, he looked at me up and down, "I remember yer face," giving me a smug smile, "and a few other things, but not yer name"

"My name is Maddie Fraser,"

"Oh Maddie Fraser, that's a lovely name, for a lovely young lass as yerself"

"My adoptive parents are James and Claire Fraser, they saved your life, and you robbed them." I started to see if he would have any remorse, but I was wrong.

"Yes." he stated as if he couldn't care less, "If you've come in the hopes of getting your fathers jewels back, I am afraid ye left it too late, ye see I sold them to buy a ship," he explained as if it were obvious, "It was one jewel ye were after when we first met? A ruby? Oh but you got that back"

"I'm told your going to hang" I quickly change the subject

"I'm told the same thing, you'll not of come from pity though I shouldn't think"

"No, I'll rest easier once you are dead." I told him with as much conviction as I could muster. This caused him to laugh, an honest laugh that took me by surprise.

"What is it that you want from me then?" he asked once the laughing died down

"Nothing, I actually came here to give you something" I retorted, when he looked at me questioningly I finished "my forgiveness. Still looking at me as if I had three heads, I made a move to show him my now close to 6 months pregnant belly.

"Oh I've had whores try and force their spawn on me before" he shook his head in denial

"I have no reason to lie," this caught his attention "You are going to die, to hang by the neck until no longer breathing, I just figured that if the idea that something of you would be left on this earth, that maybe you would have some comfort as you are about to perish, and for that you are welcome to have." I turned to leave when I heard him speak again.

"So I'll soon be gone, but not forgotten" he states, that's when I couldn't take it any longer, I whipped around and started to tell him off.

"My child will never know you as their father. While you are rotting in the ground I will raise MY child as a good person, someone who is nothing like you. You will mean absolutely nothing in his life, I will make sure of that myself." once getting that off my chest, with tears starting to prick in my eyes, I turn back around to leave once more.

"Wait..." he called out, curiosity got the better of me and I stopped to look at him. I saw him reach in his mouth and pull out what looked to be a gemstone in his hand. Reaching out to me he gestured to me to take it "for his maintenance"

"I don't want anything from you" I state bitterly

"Dying man's last wish then" he said back while staring me down. Mulling it over I decided to take it because if it is indeed a real gemstone, I could use it to help get my baby through the stones as well as I only have the one ruby.

Holding out my hand I go to take it. He tightly grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. Struggling to push him away whispered in my ear something to make my blood run cold.

"Take care of him for now, but I promise you one thing, I will find a way to make us a family, no child should have to grow up without a father like me, and no woman should have to be a single mother, besides, now you will forever be mine" he let go and smirked at me.

Shakingly I turned and all but ran out of there. There is no way he will get out of here alive right? He doesn't have anyone to save him now, and even if he did, he is going to die in the morning, he is set to hang at dawn. He is just sadistic, he just said that to get a rise out of me. Yeah that's it, he just wanted a reaction. So lost in my thoughts I barely heard Bree shouting at me that we needed to leave, it wasn't until I felt her hand wrap around my wrist and pull me towards the exit that I was able to snap out of my train of thoughts. Luckily she was there to grab me and take me outside, for not a minute later there was an explosion in the jail and everything started caving in. 

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