Chapter 3

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 "Maddie," "Maddie!" I heard Bree shouting while feeling her hands shaking me, "wake up! It is just a dream, he can't hurt you" she finished while still holding my shoulder.

I was reliving what had happened to me for some time now, ever since it had happened, all I see when I close my eyes is his evil green ones piercing my soul.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to wake you with my screams" I say embarrassed, for I still feel a little ashamed for not fighting hard enough or for not realizing sooner what his intentions were.

"Don't you dare apologize for what that horrible bastard has done to you." Bree sternly let out. "I told you, I am here for you and we will get through this" she looked so strong in her belief that we would get justice. It felt nice to have someone on my side to help me through it all.

"Thank you Bree." I started, "I am truly grateful to have you"

"And I, you" she smiled back at me. She then got up to start making her way out of our sleeping quarters on her parent's land. In this time period, they would be considered some of the wealthiest amongst all of the wealthy people in North Carolina.

North Carolina, I thought to myself, In some ways it feels almost nostalgic to be in a place I have lived my whole life, but in others, it's disheartening to see just how different the world will change in the next 200 plus years.

"Come now, lets go get some breakfast and start on our day's work" Bree said to me in a joking manner,

"Oh yes, our day's work, we shall get started on it" I joked back, thinking of how we both are like bulls in a china shop with this way of life.

Making our way out of the cabin, we are greeted by her mother Claire, and her Father Jamie who you can tell where she got her fiery red hair from.

"Good morning lassies" Jamie greeted

"Good morning Sir!" I cheerfully replied

"Oh, how many times do I have to tell ye, call me Jamie or Da, for while ye are here under my protection, I will consider ye a second daughter." Jaimie smiled at me. And he was true in his words, ever since Bree and I were able to find them, they have accepted me with open arms and open minds. Bree had told them what had happened to me and not only were they heartbroken to see someone their daughter cared for hurt by someone they helped escape, it was as if they were feeling it as if they were my parents hearing what had happened to me for the first time. It felt nice to be accepted, especially since both my parents had died when I was barely old enough to see past the kitchen counter that mom would always use to make her lavish desserts.

"Right," I smiled back at him, "Good morning Da" I finished while walking towards the main house to eat some breakfast. For some reason I am hungry a lot more than normal, but I have just been chalking it up to eating my feelings. As I was entering the house, Claire caught up to me asking to speak to me in private.

"Maddie, I am just going to come out and say it," she started with what looked to be sadness and regret in her eyes, "how long has it been since you, um, had your last course?"

Slightly taken aback, I didn't fully understand the gravity of what she was implying until it dawned on me that women of this time called your period, your course, for whatever reason. Once realization hit, it was as if I was reliving everything all over again. I sank to the floor, pulling my knees to my chest, and buried my face in my knees letting out a single sob. Claire followed my lead and sat down to hold me.

"No, this can't be happening, '' I said over and over again. "I haven't had one in about 4 months, now that I am thinking about it. Not since 2 weeks before that night."

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