A Whisker Away (Nico)

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"Then why are you still using it?"

I paused, stopping in the middle of an alleyway. "Fine then. You want me to be a cat?"

His eyes lit up, and he grinned like he'd won.

Yeah, right.

"Then you must be stupid enough to believe that me, a son of Hades, can easily trust you."I jumped, backflipping and turning back into a human midair. "You can have your stupid Kitsune mask back, I don't care about it."

"You're making a mistake!" He cried out, "Humans are horrible! Be a cat forever!"

"Don't bother me again," I snapped harshly.

He narrowed his eyes, getting ready to pounce at me. As he jumped, I quickly stepped into the shadows, hoping that my prediction would be right.

I shadow traveled away, leaving the cat to bang head first into a wall.

As I appeared somewhere else, I stumbled, falling to the ground. "I'll just have a..quick nap..."


I hugged my knees as I sat on the side of the jar, waiting for someone to come to my aid. How could I be so stupid and fall for the giant's trap?

The only way I could survive this was a death trance. I popped a pomegranate seed into my mouth, focused, then fell into a deep sleep.


"Oh ho ho!" A familiar cat laughs, "Look what the cat dragged in!"

I sit up, looking around. "Who's there?"

"Don't you remember me? Maybe this will jog your memory..." A Kitsune mask was throw in front of me.

Memories flash through my mind of being a cat. "You!"

A cackle rung out loud. "Me!"

"What do you want? I said to leave me alone!" I growled, standing up and drawing my sword.

"Son of Hades, your sword won't do anything! You're in a dream!" He reminded me, "And what I want? Nothing really! Just to remind you of that offer that you through away years ago! You could be living it up with us cats! But instead, you're rotting in a bronze jar, waiting for someone to save you!"

"They will come to save me! You just wait and see!" I shout at him.

"Oh, I will..." His voice gets farther and farther away. "I will."

Dream ended


Percy was missing. Again.

I couldn't believe that that stupid guy had gotten kidnapped again!

Annabeth was devastated, pacing around the Big House. "Where could he be?" She muttered to herself.

"Maybe he went to his mom's place?" I suggested, and she immediately picked up a drachma, got a spray bottle, and recited the incantation.

"Oh, hello Annabeth! How are you and Percy?" Sally asked, looking up from a bowl of blue cookie batter.

Annabeth burst into tears, not being able to form a sentence. "H-he's..."

"He's gone missing. Is he at your place?" I asked.

Sally hesitated, then looked up in disbelief. "He's g-gone?"

"I'm so so so sorry," I said, "But we are trying everything we can to find him. Don't worry."

"My baby boy...please Nico, when you see him again, tell him that he is not going to scare me a third time. And that there are NO blue cookies for him for a week." She pleaded.

"I will." I promised. She swiped her hand through the mist, disconnecting us.

"Meow?" A black kitten jumped through a window, going up to Annabeth and trying to comfort her.

Wait a minute...Percy would've had a lot of pressure on him, considering the two wars, and getting picked on and not doing well in school, plus the fact that his stepdad was horrible to him...

Did the Mask Seller come to him as well? Is Percy the cat?!

"Hey Ajax..." Annabeth said, picking him up and hugging him. The cat didn't mind being picked up, but in fact started licking her cheek.

Definitely Percy.

"Annabeth, could I see your cat for a minute?" I asked, and she nodded, giving him to me. I gently grab him, taking him outside and behind the Big House. I plop him down, glaring at him.

"I know that's you Percy." I said, narrowing my eyes at him. His eyes widen, but he tried to keep the charade going.

"Meow?" He tilted his head at me.

"How do you think I got away from you after I found out that Bianca died?" I asked him, his ears drooped, dropping the charade.

"Yeah, I know about the Mask Seller. Now turn back into a human 'cause Annabeth needs you," I told him impatiently.

"Meow..." He looked down, brushing his paw against the ground.

I facepalmed. "You didn't give your face to him, did you?"


"Well...find out how to get it back!" I said, frustrated.

"Meow." He nodded his head, going off into the woods.


"Annabeth?" I asked as I knocked on the Poseidon cabin's door. "Breakfast is nearly over, are you there?"

"Come in!" She sound much happier then before. Hopefully Percy was there with her now.

I opened the door, revealing her and Percy...with cat ears and tail.

I sighed. "What did you do?"

"I tried Nico, but he said I could only do a half transformation!" He complained to me.

"Well, at least you're human..." I muttered.

"Wait, you knew?" Annabeth asked.

"Yep. Same thing happened to me, except this idiot gave his face to the Mask Seller. I didn't." I told her.

"Well then, I don't want to see either of you turning into cats, or else I will hunt you down and give you to the Aphrodite cabin." She threatened us. Percy and I both turn pale, promising that we wouldn't.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Also, just saying, I'm really bored at the moment, so I'm just typing in random phone numbers on Messages. So far, none of them have worked :(

Idk what else to say (hey, that rhymes!), so bye


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