(Woe what a night):- Murge

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At the night time at jericho's coroner office, a sound of someone crawling can be hear.

A hand popped out from the air vents and throw thing above the surveillance camera.

Dr. Kinbott says I should get out more

Thing took out a black tape and put it on the camera.

“Says I need to open my mind to new people and experience. Who am I to argue with her professional clichés?”

Thing press a button and open the door to allow the people's slide inside, before close it behind them.

“What a romantic spot for a date, Wednesday. Did you arranged dead people to dance for us?” Y/n sarcastically comment. Only for Wednesday to roll his eyes at her.

“While I do the autopsy, you fine the files of the monster's other victims and make copied” Wednesday ordered Y/n and thing.

Thing popped up in front up Wednesday and signal him something.

“Don't pout. Your scalpel skills are questionable. Do you remember my 13th birthday, when uncle fester gave me that cadaver? You sliced right through out that man's carotid” Wednesday remarks.

“Hey, My thing is best” Y/n scold Wednesday and pat thing, making him happy.

“Your thing??” Wednesday asked with a look of  disbelief, Y/n just ignore him and walk away with thing to make copies.

Wednesday walk off to find the dead body, sniffing them.

“Weems much be proud of me, You know” Y/n commented.

“Do what I told you to, Ma reine” Wednesday sighed in annoyance.

“Yes sir”

Wednesday lift the cover from the body and look at it.

“Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands. What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack. Subject has been almost entirely disembowelled” Wednesday noted and took closer look at the body.

“This is curious. Subject's left foot is missing. It appears to have been chewed off at the ankle”

Y/n copying the files when she hear something. Thing rushed towards her and rapidly tapped the ground.

“Thing calm down, what's Wrong?” Y/n asked. Thing Signal her something making her surprise.

Y/n quickly hide thing and run over to Wednesday.


“Have you seen a left foot anywhere?”

“Someone is coming, hide” Y/n informed before she quickly hide herself. Wednesday hide Himself inside the container.

Exact moment the door open and entered a doctor along with sheriff galpin.

“Appreciate you coming back to the office, Doc”

“No problem sheriff. Whatever I can do to help” The doctor replies to sheriff galpin.

“Whatever or whoever is responsible for these killing, in all my years, I've never seen injuries like them. I thought you should see this before I issued my report on the latest victim. It's a real noodle scratcher” Sheriff galpin told the doctor, who approach the morgue cupboard where the victim's body is placed.

“The killer cut off two toes from the victim's left foot. Best guess, they used a surgical saw, The final autopsy report's still pending” The doctor said.

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