(Friend or woe):- Gorgen Addams

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Walk through the woods, Y/n look around the place with a fearful expression.

“Weds, i love adventures but right now I kind of felt scared” Y/n admitted, feeling a chilly on her bones for the sudden wind.

“Look like it's gonna rain soon” Y/n thought and scoot over a bit close to him.

“It's understandable, The monster is more interested in you then me. Though I can't blame it. In my opinion you taste heavenly” Wednesday teased with his blank face. If not for his tone, Y/n should be thought wednesday is serious.

“Wedneday!!” Y/n hit his arms and Pouted. Wednesday silently chuckle in amusement as he reached to grab her waist and pulled her closer to kiss the top of her head.

“Come on, don't be a scared cat, Ma reine”

As soon as they approach the ruined meeting house and step inside. Wednesday set thing free from his bag.

“Thing I missed you” Y/n cooed at him and thing jumped on her, tapping her cheek like giving kisses.

“If you guy's done with your melodramas, start looking around” Wednesday Interrupt their sweet moment .

“Looking around for what? Take a look around, there's nothing here Weds” Y/n let thing go and walk a little step away from wednesday while dramatically spread her arms.

Suddenly a homeless man come out of nowhere and grab Y/n's wrist.

“AHH!!” Y/n cried out in surprise and wednesday eye's shoot open in surprise as well.

“Ma reine!!”

“Who you are talking to, Little girl? Oh you're pretty” That man compliment, eyeing her head to toe.

“Usually i should have said thank you but.. you kinda creep me out” Y/n replies, giving him a bored look.

Let her go this instant before I do something unpleasant” Wednesday threatened, glaring staight at the man who flinched.

“What are you doing out here? This is my place. Get out” That homeless man shouted at Wednesday, still not letting Y/n go.

“I warned you. Thing, a hand here” Wednesday Ordered.

Thing jumped on the man and grabbed his neck while Taking the chance, Wednesday immediately grabbed Y/n's upper arm, pulling her away from the man by her wrist and hugged her close to his chest.

“Are you okay, ma raine?” Wednesday asked the girl in concern, caressing her wrist and finally kissing the spot that man touched. (A/n: I love possesive man🤧🤧)

“Yeah” Y/n replies.

Thing throw the man outside then come back to them and tapped the floor to ask Y/n ‘Are you okay?’ which Y/n replies ‘yes’ and thanked him.

“There's nothing here” Wednesday exclaimed in disappointment and Thing Signal him something.

“No, I can't just touch something. My visions seem to happen spontaneously” Wednesday replies to Thing but his eye narrowed when thing say something again.

“I would rather dye my hair pink than ask my mother for advice”

“Try purple, I think it will suit you better” Y/n suggest, earning a glare from wednesday. He look back to thing who again said something.

“Oh, you want me to prove it to you?” Wednesday snapped and walk over and touch random thing's.

“No. Nothing”

HIS LITTLE QUEEN (M. Wednesday X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu