(Woe is the loneliest number):- Xavier's dorm

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Xavier come back to his dorm and grab his towel to take a fresh bath after his jog.

As soon as he close the bathroom door, Wednesday and thing step inside his room.

“That purple book has got to be here somewhat. Start investigating” Wednesday instruct him.

Thing nodded and look though Xavier books. Wednesday grabbed Xavier sketchbook and look though it. He paused when he saw a drawing of.....Y/n.

Wednesday frowned, turning over the page and found another picture of her. Wednesday flapped more page and notice there's so many picture of Y/n.

“Its no suprise that he's still in love with Y/n. These pictures of her....I can see how crazy he's for Y/n but....”

Wednesday's eyes turned dark. He scowled and put the sketchbook down with a ‘Thud'  then walk away from there.

“He's pathetic if he think that they can be together again. There's no damn way it's gonna happen”

Wednesday huffed in annoyance. He got distracted again, shaking off these unpleasant feelings he started to look though rowan's side of the room.

Wednesday notice something under rowan's bed. He extend his hand and take out a weird mask.

“Rowan's full of surprises” Wednesday Mumble, smirking at the mask and put it on his bag.

Suddenly someone knocked on Xavier door. Wednesday quickly hide under Xavier bed as he come out from the bathroom and open the door.

“You're not supposed to be up here” Xavier comments, pulling the person inside his dorm and close the door.

“Good to see you too”  Bianca Scoffed.

“How'd you get past the housemaster? Use your siren powers?” Xavier accused, ignoring Bianca's Scoffs.

“Not While wearing this” Bianca said, showing her amulet and give him a offended look

“Would it kill you not think the worst of me for Once” Bianca sighed in disappointment. She's hurt by his words.

“What do you want Bianca?” Xavier asked, not pleased at all.

“To see how you were doing. I'm sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close”

“Since when did you give a damn about rowan” Xavier Snapped, glaring at her. Bianca's face fall.

“You were the one who was afraid he'd do something to Wednesday and Y/n. Isn't that's why you've been following Y/n around like an eager-eyed puppy? Or is there something more?” Bianca mocked. Xavier didn't replies and walk away from her.

“Seriously, what do you see in her? You suddenly have a thing for a that ‘Perfect girl’ who's maybe a normie and orphan?” Bianca said.

Wednesday clenched his fist and dangerously glare at Bianca from his hidden spot, if it's possible he should have ripped her tongue out for insulting Y/n.

Xavier also glared down at Bianca, making her Flinched.

“Don't talk sh*t about her. Mind you forget i always have a thing for her and you know better then anyone why, we're not together. At least she never tried to manipulate me” Xavier spat at her.

Bianca let out a shaky breath and look away from him, sadly.

“I make one mistake and you can't forgive me. She's not interested in you anymore just get it over. She is now more interested in that tragic goth Guys with funeral-parlor fashion sense, who think he's better than everyone else. I don't know why she's interested in him but, it's not one sided” Bianca told him.

HIS LITTLE QUEEN (M. Wednesday X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon