Big Feelings And Worthless Carbs

Start from the beginning

I wonder why Scoob moved.

What kind of creature is she anyway?

Nick came here to make love to me.

Moose's husband must be an incredibly patient man.

Mx. Landry seemed pretty spent after their cool trick.

Nick could have killed us all.

Mandrake's probably in bed with Hawwa right now.

What did Adom want to talk to Nick about so urgently?

Nick could have killed us all.


I threw the covers back and thumped my feet on the floor, took another long, hot shower, brushed my teeth again, gargled twice with overly strong mouthwash, and got dressed in fresh pajamas. After starting a pot of coffee and nabbing a Pop-Tart to nibble, I returned to the bedroom and turned my phone on.

The missed call was Chantelle. Six new text messages were also from her.

Who's this woman Drake hooked up with?

Did he tell you he's going to Europe?

If you got dead at work I'm so mad at you.

I need a nanny.

Call me if you're not dead.

Well, I wasn't dead, thanks to Nick... again. But I also wasn't going to call her in the middle of the night. And I was kind of glad I had the excuse not to call. I wasn't ready to talk. I was ready to eat carbs and watch ridiculous television.

I plopped on the couch with my coffee and a muffin the size of my head, found a Mel Brooks movie, and wasted and hour and forty-three minutes of the life that had been miraculously spared twice. Somewhere in the middle, I warmed a burrito in the microwave, and I wolfed that down, too.

Finally, during the witching hour, I picked up my phone and opened the messaging app to text Nick. I typed and deleted half a dozen opening lines and finally gave up and just asked, you up?

The reply was nearly instant. Yes.

I chewed on my lip for a while, watching the three dots dance on the bottom of the screen, but no more came so I asked, You okay?

I could have killed you.

As if it were happening again, I felt the heat of the fireball flash past me, heard the ominous creaking of the ceiling as it gave way. To be entirely honest, the burn on my arm still stung. But you didn't.

I could have.

You would have brought me back again.

Three dots... dancing. And then they disappeared.

I asked a question I already knew the answer to. Can I see you?


Tears pricked my eyes. I swiped at them with the cuff of my pajama shirt. It was stupid to cry. I knew he'd say that. He almost blew up the town. He needed some time to burn off the power surge. Last time it was a few days. Maybe it would be a little longer this time, since it had been a bigger... uh... meal? Will you tell me where you are?

I'm at home.

Probably it was weird that I had no idea where his home was. I wiped my face again and tried to think what to say next, but he beat me to it.

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