Prologue - Part I: The One Time She Couldn't Walk Away

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Hi! Welcome to the rewrite of my transformers fic, 'From the Heart of a Nebula'. I originally wrote this fic back when I was 14 and I'm praying that anyone reading this didn't read my old version, because I would actually die inside. Aside from that, this story has been developing for as long as I can remember and I'm so happy that I'm finally rewriting it for you guys, so I hope you love it just as much as I do! It's a bit long winded, so I'll try to make it worth the read! Enjoy!

Warnings: Major Character Death, mentions of a forced marriage (it doesn't happen tho).

Warnings: Major Character Death, mentions of a forced marriage (it doesn't happen tho)

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Phthartic (Definition): Devastating, Deadly, Destructive.

(Adjective / Origin: Latin(?) / thar·​tic)

(Adjective / Origin: Latin(?) / thar·​tic)

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Praxus, Cybertron – Approx. ~774,730 B.C. (Earth time) – Estimated Year 3,225,270 of The Great War – Co-ordinates Lat: 81.52220, Long: 138.44427

When Silverdash had finally gotten the call from Opalite, asking for a lift back to base, she hadn't expected to have to navigate her way through the ruins of Praxus City, which was currently occupied - by none other than the Decepticons.

Blue optics darting around, the bot kept a calculated eye on her surroundings as she remained in the shadows, her rifle poised steady at whatever was in front. As she had been doing for the last few hours, she listened for any noise over the wind, before slowly moving forward, keeping a close eye on the dot on the map that flashed in the corner of her optic HUD, indicating that the destination was getting close.

Blinking, she released one servo off her rifle to rub at her optics, in some attempt to rid of the debris that was accumulating. The large dust storm that was passing through the city-state had proven helpful, the thick, grey fog-like clouds of grit creating a useful cover for travelling through undetected, but she was yet to replace her visor after it had been smashed during an ambush, so unfortunately she had to make do with just her mouth guard, and deal with the irritation it caused.

With a sigh, she pressed on, using only the shine of her bio-lights to navigate the path ahead, when finally, the signal of her location hovered above the dot she had been trying to find.

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