Tears fell, cries left, along with murmurs for help, but I was too weak to scream. I couldn't anymore. My fists hit the door repeatedly.

My heartbeat raced fast enough for me to feel it knock against my stinging chest over and over again. I breathed in, shaking and no air coming through, and out, panting and sweat dripping.

And then there was a sound outside. Footsteps came closer followed by the cracking of a door opening. "Which slinthead's causing trouble in the middle of the night?!"

I banged on the closet door just when it got opened by someone, making me fall through, right into their arms. The cold air hit my damped skin, but breathing still seemed impossible.

"Valerie?" Whoever held me asked. I nodded weakly, then continued crying.

"They... they lock-lo-."
They shushed me by pulling me on my feet. I stumbled over the floor until my back hit a wall. I slid against it until I sat on the floor, pulling my knees up and gasping for air again.

"Val, breathe." The male voice suggested. It was like a blur to my ears. "Ever heard of that? Do it." There was a long pause while I tried to gulp for air. "Do it with me."

My eyes closed automatically a minute ago, so I had never taken the chance to look at which Glader it even was. I focused to hear his breaths and by the sound of it, he loudened them just for me.

"You're shaking." He grabbed my freezing hands. Immediately his warmth gave off to my body, sending a whole load of it.

I squeezed my eyes even closer shut, wishing for it to be over and focusing on the breaths as much as I could. Later small tugs of air flew through my nose, filling my lungs again.

"See? You got it." His voice wasn't very calm. It seemed like he didn't really know what to do either and was quite nervous. And when my eyes opened, I saw who it was. Gally.

"Gally?" I stammered, confused at first. It was one of the last people I expected to help me.

"Potato Head, Captain Gally... yep." He nodded. Then his voice turned stern. "How'd you end up in that closet, Val? Sleepwalking?"

"No." I sniffed and wiped my tears away quickly, quite ashamed. "They, well, locked me in here. As a joke." I added the last thing fast.

Gally raised his eyebrows. "A joke? Alby gave them a clear warning to stop any comments and not even make the slightest touch with you if it's on purpose. How'd they put you in here?"

I didn't feel like explaining at first, but Gally's glance was enough to do it anyways. "I got up to get some water since I couldn't sleep. Not three seconds later they blocked my mouth with a cloth and put my hands behind my back, walked to the Homestead, and pushed me in the closet."

"Did they hurt you?"

"Not really. Just an elbow in the stomach when I didn't cooperate, but that's because I kicked them too."

He scoffed. "And that's self-defense. This might've been meant as a joke, but now you're here, shaking and crying."

"Prank went wrong." I couldn't help to let out a slight giggle at my own comment.

Gally's face stayed blank as stone. "That's not funny, Ginger."

I almost laughed louder. "It kind of is."

"Whatever. Imma have a word with those shuck-faces. And you're going to bed."

He took my arm and pulled me off the floor. "Wait, Gally, I-."
I cut myself off, not knowing what I was about to say. The only thing I knew is that I rather didn't want to be alone. "I'm not tired anymore."

"Then you're not going to bed." Gally awkwardly shrugged. "Which guys locked you in there?"

I stared at the ground again, swallowing away the lump in my throat. "Peter, Hank, Henry, and Carl."

"Carl again?" He spat out.

I didn't reply and walked out of the Homestead. Gally followed, and somehow I was happy about that. At least I wouldn't be alone again.

"Guess I'm afraid of small spaces," I muttered, hoping to let Gally talk about something else than those boys.

"I don't think anyone would choose to be locked up in a closet." He responded casually.

Newt did.

I had to hide my laugh at that thought.
"Or it's just me that would rather not be locked up in a closet?" Gally added.

"Nope. Not just you. But I don't think you'll get locked up in a closet fast." I still talked with a low voice, hoping not to wake anyone.


"Oh, well. No one will dare to do something like that to someone like you." I explained.

"I don't think Minho would mind." A small chuckle left Gally's mouth. "But you're right. I wouldn't even let it happen."

"That sounded like I should've prevented it," I admitted. "Maybe I should've."

"Four against one isn't very fair." He replied.

"I'm sure you could've handled them easily. Even when it's four against one."
Before I realized it, the words blurted out of my mouth. I blushed at it, hiding my face by looking at the ground.

Gally laughed once again. Something unusual for him, especially so much in such a short time. As we walked through the Glade a bit, I felt dawn splashing on my bare legs. I wore black shorts, almost ones that looked like sports clothes. My torso was covered with a white sweater.

"Maybe I can. Dunno, never tried it." Gally answered to my statement of him being able to beat four people. "I still don't get why they would do this after a warning."

"It's quite obvious." I smiled slightly. "And quite dumb to think a simple warning will help."

"Are you saying we should banish them?" His eyes twinkled at that, letting me know he was obviously joking.

"No." I shook my head, more serious now. "I'm saying to do nothing about it. It won't work anyway."

Gally nodded in agreement. "Only thing that'll work is self-defense."  

A thought popped up in my mind. I wanted them to stop. I really did. I wanted to feel happy again, not miserable. I wanted to give real smiles, not the fake ones every time. "Then teach me."

"Teach you what?"

"What do you think?" I scoffed at his question. "Self-defense, shank. Teach me how to wrestle."

"You're gonna wrestle with them?" Gally laughed right in my face. "That ain't gonna work."

"It's the least thing I can do, right?"

"We'll see."

𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 - TMR, GallyWhere stories live. Discover now