Demons of the ancient world

Start from the beginning

As luck would have it, she saw a stone like object in the ground and went there. She dug the surrounding area and saw an entrance of sort that led underground. She walked inside and then proceeded to fall down. She quickly took out a dagger and stopped her fall and slowly crawled down to the floor. She then walked around, in search of the Daevites and she continued searching for a good hour. As she kept on searching, she finally them. 'The Daevites! Finally! I found them.' Kale exclaimed in her mind and she saw two about five feet four inches tall and a third one that was over six feet in height. 'Two scouts and a warrior. This is absolutely perfect! All I need is to get a bit of blood and-' as she was thinking, she accidentally kicked a pebble and the sound alerted the Daevites. 'Ah crap.'

The Daevites roared and gave chase. Kale ran away in hopes to find better ground where she could trap them. However, the demons were moving fast, stupid fast. Kale shot a fire spell which did absolutely nothing. She then shot a wind spell which had some success but ultimately useless. The witch then collapsed the rocks and trapped the Daevites. The demons would emerge shortly however and she acted quickly. She focused much of her power in trapping them and got close to the scout. She took out a knife that was sharpened by powerful magic and took some blood from the scout. After that, she ran as fast as she could to a safe space and readied her mind control ritual. The ritual was ready and she chanted the required words. Then, a green mist came which turner to purple and the Daevites stopped in their tracks.

''Yes. You're all mine to control. Come and kneel. Worship your new queen.'' she ordered them and the demons did as she commamded them to. ''The Blackfyres are here in Satharyo, in Rosch, to end some rebellions. Well, it is just the perfect oppurtunity to kill that bastard and avenge all that he killed.''

-Imperial garrison, Rosch, Satharyo-

Naruto had already killed Itachi which was the reason he headed back east. Then he formed an alliance to act as a meat shield, captured the eight tails, killed Danzo and burned the Leaf. Naruto's aunt, Rhaella Blackfyre, wanted him to crush down the recent uprising in Satharyo. He did as he was tasked by his aunt and aided Daemon with the last of the Sathar'i. It was two weeks after the bombing of the Leaf. Naruto's ships docked in Rosch and he had brought Kushina Uzumaki to be tortured. Well, he had Daena do much of the actual torturing, allowing his cousin to do as she pleased to the Uzumaki. Naruto took great joy in seeing Kushina suffer for all she did to him.

Currently, in the top secret army lab in Rosch, Kushina was strapped to a table and Daena was having a blast experimenting on her. The Uzumaki's longevity, their immense chakra supply and others made her the ideal test subject to some of Daena's wildest dreams. Kushina had tubes of special chemicals attached to her and Daena was having fun in seeing the results. Kushina screamed and screamed in pain as Daena continued with the experiments. Naruto was certain that Daena's experiments conducted on Kushina would be enough to label her as an A class war criminal.

Naruto went upto Kushina to talk to her. ''You know, my servants who kidnapped you have shown me pictures of your basement. It was... beyond disgusting.'' Naruto said to her. ''I noticed that you used one of your clan's slave seals to control my dear old father. And that slave seal was used to make him not notice, even in the slightest bit, the messed up things you and your children did.'' Naruto said and showed the pictures to Daena and one of the scientists. The imperial scientiest then proceeded to vomit.

''Ugh. Disgusting. Now I don't feel so bad experimenting all of this on her, Naruto.'' Daena told her cousin. The other scientist was in full agreement with Daena.

''Oh it gets even better.'' Naruto said and he showed Daena official files and documents. ''Her partnership with Danzo goes way back to the second ninja war era. I mean, weakening the seals of Uzushio with Jiraiya and allowing enemy ninjas to storm the outnumbered Uzumaki was one. Then, she was tasked by Danzo again leak information to enemy ninja which killed Dan Kato. Another similar incident happened to Nawaki, Tsunade's younger brother. Helping hide Orochimaru's secret labs, espionage in Hidden Mist and an underground slave trade among others.''

''This place ain't exactly a mental health center. More of a forceful re-education and brainwashing center. You just came in the right place.'' Daena said to Kushina and put a helmet on the Uzumaki's head. Kushina screamed as the helmet forcibly rewrote her way of thinking.

''Have a great time. Enjoy your new toy, Daena. Be sure to not ruin it now and save it for later use.'' Naruto said and he walked out of the lab and a lieutenant came to him.

''My emperor. A scout party had been ambushed and killed in the Greater Kushite desert. Helicopter footage shows this, my lord.'' the lieutenant then showed the footage to Naruto who looked at it. The image was of the witch Kale wishing a fight and she set the location.

'Does this witch really believe she can take me down by herself? No matter.' Naruto turned to the lieutenant to said his order. ''It may a trap devised by that witch, lieutenant. Prepare four helicopters and troops in the event I might need help.''

''Yes my lord.'' the lieutenant replied and went away to prepare the helicopters and troops. Naruto called forth his dragon wings and flew to face the witch.

  -desert of Greater Kush, Satharyo-

Naruto reached the place chosen by the witch. It was a cave and he flew down. He reached the center of the cave and the interior of the cave was like one big tube. The witch then showed herself. ''You don't waste time, emperor.'' she said with contempt. ''I will enjoy tearing that wretched head off of your body. I will sacrifice your corpse to my gods and take that which belongs to Enoch Bauglîr.''

''I guess I found the comedian of the year.'' Naruto remarked and then prepared a cero. However, he sensed a different presence and he jumped away to avoid being pounced on. Naruto saw a demon with skin as black as ash. It had sharp claws, fangs, long petruding horns and purple eyes.

''Like it? They're the Daevites, demons of the ancient world and I control them. My first order to them is simple. Kill him.'' Kale ordered and all three Daevites attacked Naruto.

Naruto knew the stories about these powerful Daevites from the chronicles and history books. Their abilities were currently an unknown to him so he remained cautious. The warrior charged at Naruto who jumped away to avoid the attack. The two scouts also joined in and they faced Naruto in taijutsu. The greater strength and durability of the Daevites was a reason to be alert for Naruto. Purple energy came to their hands and they shot purple beams at the Uchiha. Naruto summoned his Susanoo ribcage and it managed to tank them. The Daevites created purple energy swords and spears and they leapt to attack Naruto. The Uchiha emperor took out his Narada and faced the three demons in a dance of swords. Despite his superior skills as a warrior, Naruto found it difficult to overpower the Daevites. Naruto was shot by the combined purple rays of the demons and he summoned his Susanoo.

''Grrrh! Finish him! Now!'' Kale started to become angrier and desperate as Naruto was still breathing. The skeletal arm of his Susanoo then impaled a Daevite scout with the sword of Kusanagi, ablaze with chaos style. The other Daevite scout shot a powerful blast at the ribcage, damaging it quite a bit and the warrior charged and then destroyed it. The Daevite warrior then grabbed Naruto's head and threw him away. The scout shot another beam of purple energy and purple energy chains were formed that dragged Naruto around. The Uchiha broke free but he was being shot at by the two Daevites. ''Ha! Not so tough are you, emperor?" Kale taunted and Naruto shot his bala phase barrage.

Naruto used 'fire style: hiding in ash jutsu' to blind the Daevite warrior and attacked. He punched the scout away and then kicked the warrior. He grabbed the warrior's left arm and then tore it. Naruto focused chakra to the Narada and then in one swift move, decapitated the Daevite warrior. Naruto shot a cero at Kale but the scout flew up to protect her. ''Take me away. Now!'' Kale ordered as she got on the scout who then flew back to Ouroboros. Naruto tried to pursue but the Daevite shot the walls, collapsing it.

Naruto summoned his Susanoo to protect himself but Kale and the Daevite scout managed to escaped. He called for the army commanders and air force captains over on the radio. ''Be on high alert. I want scout fighters to fly and search for that witch.''

Naruto Uchiha: the dragon emperor (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now