#2 - Shipped Away

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Eventhough that night went way better than the night before, Joshua was still sceptical about being on a gameshow, but he decided to go on it anyway since he wanted to play that game super badly.

Next morning, Josh woke up way too early than he normally would on Saturdays, and swiftly did his morning routine. Before he headed down for breakfast, he packed some sets of extra clothes into his backpack like he was advised to. He then went down to eat breakfast. About 20 minutes after he finished breakfast, he asked his mom to go out with friends which she allowed him to like most weekends. He then grabbed his backpack, sprinted to his bike, and quickly biked to Lucas' house which was a few blocks away. When Joshua arrived at his friend's house, he rang the doorbell, and went inside after Lucas himself opened the door for him. "Caroline!", Lucas yelled. A very pretty girl in her early 20s then walked out from the back of the kitchen, supposedly doing the dishes. She had brown hair like Lucas, but had hazel eyes instead of brown. She was also very slim, and she was pretty much a model in his eyes. "This is my friend who I was talking about last night.", Lucas told her. "Hello", she greeted him nicely. "Joshua, this is Caroline, my sister.", said Lucas. "Sorry about that, I've just finished doing the dishes. You know when my parents are gone, my brother never do anything.",said Caroline. Lucas was a little embarrassed, and tried to shut his sister's mouth while Joshua giggled. "Alright, seems like you arrived here early, so what are we waiting for? Let's go.", said Caroline. "Is this really the first time you ever bring your brother to work?", Joshua asked politely. "Um, yeah. My parents aren't here until Tuesday, so I was asked to take care of Lucas.", she replied. They all then got into the car, and she drove off the driveway.

About 20 minutes later, they all reached the studio downtown. The three walked into the studio, and was met with another pretty girl waiting for them. "This is Bella, my assistant.", Caroline introduced her co-worker. She was slim, and model-like just like Caroline, but she had blonde hair and green eyes. "Oh, Joshua. Can you give me your address?", Caroline asked him. "He was a little sceptical, but gave them his address anyway. "Joshua, you could just go wait in the waiting room. You, Lucas are coming with me.", said Caroline before she dragged her brother away. When Joshua walked into the waiting room, he saw a couch which he sat on it.

About half an hour later, Joshua was called out to backstage, wearing his same clothes which was a pair of blue shorts and a black T-shirt. At the backstage, he saw Caroline and Bella beautifully dressed in their blue post women uniform. Caroline then rubbed his blonde hair, looked straight into his dazzling green eyes, and said "Good luck, boy" before she walked out to the stage. Moments later, the camera started rolling, and Caroline did her intro. "Hello, everyone! I'm your hostress, Caroline. Welcome to Shipped Away. The show where you put your postman skill to the test to either go home with a thousand more dollars in your pocket, or sacrifice your conveniences and go home miserably.", said Caroline as she was doing her intro, and the crowd cheered for her. "Today, we have a rather young contestant who is my brother's best friend. Give a round of applause for Joshua!", said Caroline as the audiences cheered for Joshua as he was coming out. He could also see Lucas among the audiences supporting him from afar. "Joshua, do you think you're going to win the 1000 dollars?", Caroline asked. He confidently said, "Definitely"."Woah, slow down, buddy.", said Caroline. "What would you use the money for?", Caroline asked him which he replied with "Well, I'm going to use a little bit of it to buy a game I really wanted, and save the rest.". "Well, boy. You definitely have a clear goal, don't you? Before we get into the show, let me introduce my assistant, Bella!", said Caroline as Bella walked out beautifully. The audiences was loving the way she was walking out so much that some even gave her a wolf whistle. She was that likable to people.

"Alright, let's start the first challenge, shall we?", said Caroline as the camera cut while the crews were moving the stuff onto the stage, and then started rolling again when it had been set up. Caroline then introduced the first challenge to everyone. "As a postman, you have to deliver mails even though the weather wasn't the best. Therefore, your first challenge is called 'Wet Mailing!'. In wet mailing, you, Josh are going to be riding that bike, and throwing mails into mail boxes. Meanwhile, it's going to be raining and super windy, so stuff that comes with the wind would be coming at you. The goal was 5 mails in the box for 10 mails delivering. If you've done that, you've completed the first challenge. That's easy enough, right?" Joshua then nodded as he was told to get on the bike. He was then handed a bag filled with 10 envelopes to throw into 5 mailboxes around him. He got ready as the girls backed up.

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