"Russia is also her home. Russia is also yours and your brothers home, Mikhail!" He snapped as he punched his fist against his table.

I know Uncle Ivan has always cared for all of us since the day we were born, especially Isabella, whom he treats like his own daughter, and while it is all so touching and all, the fact remains that Isabella is not his daughter and he is only her uncle. I have more rights with her since I am her fratello.

"I know, but you know what I'm trying to say, Uncle. Please, don't fight me with this already. You can visit her there in Italy whenever you want." I tried a calm approach, but that clearly was still not enough for him.

"Well then, I am going to take legal custody of her." He says, his voice sounding like it was the finality of it, the end of the discussion, but this was far from fucking over.

My vision darkened as I balled both my fists. Now, I'm the one who looks like I'm seconds from shooting my own uncle.

I know his heart is in the right place, but I won't fucking let anyone, not even him, take my sorellina from me again. I fucking promised her that I wouldn't leave her, and I'll do everything to keep that promise.

"She's my sister, Uncle, not yours! She may be a spitting image of our Mamma, but she's not her; she's not your twin sister, so fucking stop this already!" I snapped, causing his eyes to widen and a scowl to appear on his face.

But what I said is the truth, and he needs to wake up and accept it.

"I'm going to take her custody like I did with the rest of my brothers, and no one, not even you, can stop me. My siblings, my responsibility." I firmly said, my chest puffing out slightly, and my voice leaving no room for discussion.

"You've really grown into one fine young man, Mikhail. I am both impressed and annoyed. I am also greatly proud in how you've managed to raise Artem and Yuri on your own, but your sestra is different, especially from how you've already seen her. Devushka slomana. (The girl is broken)." Uncle Ivan suddenly said, his wrinkled face both surly and solemn.

"Come cazzo ti permetti." (How fucking dare you) I cursed under my breath.

I kept thinking how he's my madre's brother, my uncle, my family, my blood. I kept pushing that thought in my head before I actually snapped and murdered him right then and there, but I eventually managed to tamper with my anger and control my demons.

"My sister is slightly bruised and wounded from the abuse she suffered in that fucking hell hole, but she's healing. She's alive and healing; that's what's fucking important. Don't you ever refer to my sister as broken, or I might just break something of yours, uncle." I hissed. There was a certain emotion on his face, but it vanished before I could describe it.

"I'm only speaking the truth, Mikhail. Your sestra is going to be much safer here than she will be in Italiya." 

I let out a humorless laugh at what he said. Safe my ass.

"Care to remind me again where you found her? How you found her?" I asked rhetorically.

I know my Uncle Ivan is not a human trafficker by any means, and his illegal businesses have thankfully nothing to do with those; he merely buys girls from those disgusting organisations and employs them to work in his various clubs with pay; the girls can leave the said club and have their freedom when they've reached a certain age. It's honestly not that bad compared to where they were before they were bought. The girls that are bought are even considered lucky compared to others. But the idea of buying girls like live stocks and having those disgusting organisations as business associates just disturbs me greatly.

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