What Are Books?

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Readers or writers, many today use books without the knowledge of how they came to be. First, I'd like to start with this question. Who invented books?

The invention of books, as we know them today is a result of a long and complex evolution of writing and communication systems. It is difficult to attribute the invention of books to a single individual, as it builds upon the cumulative efforts of civilizations across time.

The earliest recorded form of writing can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) and the Egyptians. These societies developed systems of pictographs and hieroglyphs to represent language and communicate ideas. They wrote on various materials, including clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, and stone inscriptions.

The binding of written tablets or scrolls into a codex-like form—where multiple sheets were sewn together and enclosed within a protective cover—can be considered a precursor to the modern book. The Romans and Greeks were among the first to use this format, with Romans employing parchment and the Greeks utilizing parchment or papyrus.

However, it was during the medieval period that books underwent significant advancements. European monasteries played a crucial role in preserving and copying texts, often religious manuscripts, by hand. These manuscripts were painstakingly created by scribes and illuminators on parchment or vellum, giving rise to beautifully illuminated medieval manuscripts.

Johannes Gutenberg is often credited with the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, which revolutionized the production of books. Gutenberg's printing press utilized movable type, allowing for faster and more efficient replication of written works, such as the Gutenberg Bible.

Since then, books have continued to evolve with the advent of various printing technologies, including the development of steam-powered presses, modern offset printing, and the digital era, where e-books have gained popularity.

In summary, the invention of books is a collective development spanning centuries and involving numerous cultures and civilizations. It is a testament to humanity's desire to preserve knowledge and information, making it accessible across generations.

Something happens to us humans, and that's stories. It comes in daily experiences, positive or negative ones. And somehow, these stories need to be heard, changed, or corrected. No wonder telling someone's story relieves one of the pain. A story shared is half solved. With or without any immediate answer, we find a way and reason to move on from that setback.

Something turns the world around and that's unique information.  Whether it's about an updated technology, an invention, the study of logic and philosophy, discovery, or a broken record! This information spins the earth since the beginning of man.

When we look at this closely, we realize that stories seem for art while the so-called unique information, stands for science. Now, what is the difference between telling a story and giving a unique information? Are they the same?

The intertwined dance of art and science, are two magnificent realms that offer unique perspectives on the wonders of our world. While they may appear to be divergent paths, they both hold their enchanting qualities.

Art is a captivating realm where creativity blossoms and imagination takes flight. It allows us to express our emotions, thoughts, and visions through various mediums such as paintings, sculptures, music, and more. Art is the language of the heart, allowing us to communicate and connect with others on a profound level. It ignites passion, stirs the soul, and evokes endless possibilities.

On the other hand, science beckons us to delve into the realm of knowledge, seeking to unravel the mysteries of our universe through observation, experimentation, and meticulous analysis. It is the gateway to understanding the natural and physical laws governing our world. Science invites us to question, hypothesize, and test, revealing the intricate workings of nature and offering solutions to the challenges we face.

Though art and science may appear as separate entities, they are intertwined like the celestial bodies in the night sky. Both rely on the power of curiosity and exploration. In their unique ways, they inspire us to venture beyond the ordinary, to discover new perspectives, and to embrace the beauty of the world around us. As the clay was used to write before the invention of pen and paper, we realize that art and science are in.



Take a pen and a new book. Practice what you've just read. Have you ever thought about the significance and importance of books? In your terms, what are books? 

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