34. Caught by Umbridge

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Once the girls had changed and met the rest of their group plus Crabbe and Goyle they set off for the upper levels. The boys were jealous that they had changed and were complaining most of the way that it wasn't fair.

They were just getting closer to Umbridge's office when they heard Ginny yelling about gas. Umbridge scoffed and walked past, "I know they're in there," she snapped at the fourth year. She turned and saw Malfoy. "Grab her!" Draco charged forward and caught her. Pansy saw Luna and quickly grabbed her as well.

"My office when you're done," Umbridge instructed as the two pulled out their wands, pointing them at the two younger girls.

Natalia looked at Ginny, guiltily, but she couldn't do anything at that moment.

"Hey, stop!" Neville yelled, pointing his wand, about to shoot a spell, but Crabbe and Goyle got to him first and forced him to follow Draco. He looked at Natalia with a pleading look, but she just turned away, walking behind everyone.

Ron was just outside of the office and Blaise wrestled his wand out of his hand and opened the door.

They walked into the office where Umbridge pulled Harry out of the fire. Umbridge threw Harry to the floor and gestured to Natalia. The girl rushed forward and grabbed Harry, roughly forcing him into one of her chairs.

Natalia one by one went to everyone and they handed over their prisoner's wands that Natalia kept in her jacket.

"Got 'em all," said Blaise, shoving Ron roughly forward into the room. "That one." he poked a thick finger at Neville, "tried to stop Draco from taking her," he pointed at Ginny, who was trying to kick the shins of the large Slytherin girl holding her, "so I brought him along too."

"Good, good," said Umbridge, watching Ginny's struggles. "Well, it looks as though Hogwarts will shortly be a Weasley-free zone, doesn't it?"

Malfoy laughed loudly and psychoanalytically. Umbridge gave her wide, complacent smile and settled herself into a chintz-covered arm-chair, blinking up at her captives like a toad in a flowerbed.

"So, Potter," she said. "You stationed lookouts around my office and you sent this buffoon," she nodded at Ron, and Malfoy laughed even louder, making Natalia glare at him, "to tell me the poltergeist was wreaking havoc in the Transfiguration department when I knew perfectly well that he was busy smearing ink on the eyepieces of all the school telescopes, Mr. Filch having just informed me so.

"Clearly, it was very important for you to talk to somebody. Was it Albus Dumbledore? Or the half-breed, Hagrid? I doubt it was Minerva McGonagall, I hear she is still too ill to talk to anyone. . . ."

No one laughed at that one, it was hard to watch, but Draco still kept with his wicked grin. Harry was so angry he was shaking.

"It's none of your business who I talk to," he snarled. Umbridge's slack face seemed to tighten.

"Very well," she said in her most dangerous and falsely sweet voice. "Very well, Mr. Potter . . . I offered you the chance to tell me freely. You refused. I have no alternative but to force you. Draco — fetch Professor Snape." Draco shoved Ginny into Goyle's arms and left the room still smirking.

There was silence in the office except for the fidgetings and scufflings resultant from Natalia's friends to keep Ron and the other's under control. "Stop it!" Natalia hissed at all of them. "Or I'll break your legs." Ginny glared with everything she had and Hermione looked away, feeling betrayed. Neville looked at her with sadness and Ron was just confused. His lip was bleeding onto Umbridge's carpet as he struggled against Blaise's half nelson.

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