3. Kreacher

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It takes a while but I eventually drift off to sleep. When I open my eyes again I'm on a beach. I look around and see two other people a few feet from me.

"LEO! NICO!" I yell to them. They sit up and turn to look at me.

"Nat, what's going on? Where are we?" Leo asks.

"I believe we're in a dream, which means we don't have a lot of time. I'm so glad to see you," I tell them, hugging both.

"What's going on? Rachel gave us a prophecy about the daughter of Hades and you go missing. It said something about time travel?" Nico asked.

I'm quiet for a moment and they both look at me sadly. "Hecate sent me on a quest back in time. It's no use looking for me and by the fact that we're here now in a dream, that means she lied to me. She told me no time would pass and I would go back to camp like nothing ever happened."

"Or by the time we wake up, you'll be back here," Leo offers with a smile trying to keep our hopes up. Nico and I both look at him and his smile falls slightly. "It'll be fine mi amour. She can't keep us apart forever. Doesn't matter if we have to wait a few weeks, maybe a month until your quest is over."

I cringe a little and Nico notices, "It's only going to take a few weeks, right Nat?"

"It's probably going to take a few years. I have to keep the chosen one safe until he's 17 so he can go and kill an evil guy," I explain.

"How old is he now?"

"He just turned 15 about two weeks ago." Both he and Leo groan.

"Listen, it's going to take almost 2-3 years I want you to move on, Leo. It's not like I can make you wait and Nico I don't want you to shut Will out in that time. You won't know if I'm dead or not since I'm back in time so let's just say that if I'm not back in a max of 3 years I'm dead," I say, preparing for the worst. I know it's not the best thing to say right now, but I literally have no other time to say it.

"Well, like you said it's back in time so maybe you will come back in a week from now for us. I will never move on mi vida," Leo says with tears in his eyes. "Who will I have to annoy until they kiss me to shut me up."

I laugh before sensing the connection starting to break and I know we don't have a lot of time. "One of us is starting to wake up so we need to make this quick." I hug Leo and pull him into a kiss before whispering I love you. We let go and I see tears rolling down his face as he disappears, most likely waking up.

I turn to Nico who has red eyes and sniffles, "This isn't fair! I lost Bianca but I still had you, and I thought I lost you in Tartarus and we've been separated so many times, but I don't want to go over a year without seeing you! I'll go crazy!"

"You have Will and Hazel and Reyna, along with everyone else. You have so many people who love you, I'm sure you'll forget about me soon and have a good time," I bring him in for a hug. "Just remember to look after Hazel and make sure Renya isn't too mad," I laugh and we both cry as everything around us falls apart.

I gasp awake to see the dirty old room I was placed in. I look to my left to see a clock and it's a little past 7 a.m. Well looks like that dream did a few good things. I hear a commotion going on down the hall and quickly grab the trunk Hecate left for me. I once again saw all the school books, the black robes, and the school uniform, but I dug a little further and saw some of my normal clothes. I put them on and walk out the door, heading to where the sound came from.

I walk into a room down the hall and there's all the kids and Molly spray the air with some chemical and fighting little fairy-like creatures with sharp teeth. One comes flying at me, but Fred grabs it in time. Sirius comes over and drags me away from the room.

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