13. DA

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Their first class was charms and they were learning the silencio charm. Everyone else was focused on the spell, but Natalia was thinking. What else was she going to forget? Her brother? Her sister? Her friends? Her powers?

She closed her eyes as something else flashed by. There was snow and running, and huge wolves flying through the air above her. She tried to grab onto something, but it disappeared and she was still in class, staring a head. 

She turned to other people in class and saw Ron yelling at his toad. She laughed at him and he turned around to glare at her. Harry hit him on the head and laughed too.

Hermione tried to explain to him, "You don't want to wave it, it's more a sharp jab."

"Ravens are harder than frogs," said Ron testily.

"Fine, let's swap," said Hermione, seizing Ron's raven and replacing it with her own fat bullfrog. "Silencio!" The raven continued to open and close its sharp beak, but no sound came out.

"Very good, Miss Granger!" said Professor Flitwick's squeaky little voice and Harry, Ron, and Hermione all jumped, making Natalia chuckle. "Now, let me see you try, Mr. Weasley!"

"Wha — ? Oh — oh, right," said Ron, very flustered. "Er — Silencio!" He jabbed at the bullfrog so hard that he poked it in the eye; the frog gave a deafening croak and leapt off the desk. She giggled and so did Theo as they watched Flitwick give him and Harry extra homework.

Natalia and Theo headed back to the common room before dinner. She laid on one of the couch, playing with her wand. "Do you have any family?" Theo asked, looking up from his book suddenly. She looked at him confused with the question. "Well, it's just you mentioned having a brother, but he's not here and you used to live in America."

"Yeah, he's still there. We're twins actually," she admitted. "I also have two older sisters."

"Where are they?"

"Back in America they're at a camp for special kids, magical kids. We thought it was because of our father's side, but I guess it's our mother's side too," Natalia shrugged. There wasn't much she could tell him of the truth. 

"But you said you were a halfblood?" He asked, confused.

"I guess not anymore."

"Wow," he nodded. "Maybe we'll get to see your ball then."

"Why? Why would you want to?"

"Well, they're just fun, getting to dance with your friends, have everyone there for you, to see you, I heard girls love it, you eat your favorite foods, drink alcohol for the day, get amazing presents," he shrugs.

"I don't have any family to do that even if I wanted to," she reminded him. "My father is absent and my mother is dead. The only ones I really consider family are the Zabinis."

"Right, sorry," he remembered.

Natalia sighed before looking at the clock, "don't you have quidditch practice?" She asked him.

He quickly got up and ran to his dorm, yelling sorry. Suddenly, she was kissing someone while listening to a song. It was a Spanish song. Natalia opened her eyes to see Leo who was smiling and singing along. She laughed and sang  along to the parts that she knew. The flash ended in gold dust and she was left sitting in the cold, quiet, dungeons.

She sighed sadly, everyone had something going on that night. She went to dinner by herself and ate quickly. She wanted to hurry so that she could read alone in her dorm.  She usually liked being alone, but for some reason in the castle she didn't. It was like she was extra alone since she couldn't get to anyone. 

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